Reinforcements received: USSR paratroopers!

Tbh, I don’t see big difference between AS-44 and IS-3 in this matter.



But at least, they merely copied stg44 stats and created a copium weapon.

Is3 on the other hand, would be a league of it’s own… it’s not a counterpart of the KT, it’s better, it’s it’s very own level. Which would probably bring fantasy E75 or something… And so on…


I am not sure if it was so better than Tiger II. Since the main problem of IS-2 its basically paper in against the fight vs Tiger II. iS-3 would solve this problem.

BUT, the terrible unefficient long reload time would probably stay. I really do not think IS-3 would be someehat wayyy better than Tiger II.
But maybe I am just disillusioned.

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Dunno… maybe because I used to be a Soviet main (I know, I know, le shame) in world of tonks and warthunder… IS3 was just chef kiss to me… one of my favourite.

I might be biased to it :thinking:

Even in WOT it’s VIII tier counterpart to Tiger II.


Br. Just as legitimate as mp40 and pps43 in Enlisted not being the same br… :wink:

I think the M1 Garand and the Type 4 rifle being different BRs is the worst one, a worse copy of a Garand at BR IV is really something special.

And the Type Hei sitting at BR 3, while germany has the Armageurra at BR 2 is funny.


There are alot of inconsistencies across all trees.

Type Hei BR 3 ---- Armageurra BR 2
Many SMGs up to 2 BRS higher than pretty much the same stats in another tree (looking at you pps-43)
Jagpanzer IV BR 5 ---- Panzer IV H BR 4

there are alot more


Jagpanzer IV has really good frontal armor ! But yes, it should clearly not be a BR 5 tank.


It does, but Tank destroyers in general arent exactly favoured. Dont see that many. No reason to pick it at BR 5

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Yeah I know, But I still think that it would be better to take JPz IV over IVH (imo). But this is quite irrelevant because panther is already at BR 4.


I keep missing the panther is at BR 4. Ive always seen it better than the tiger so I just assumed it was 5 also.

really need a middle MM queue


Let me reply again in Chinese:首先请根据玩家选择的装备匹配正确的历史地图和对手。例如,英国坦克出现在太平洋,等等。也许太搞笑了;其次,在第二次世界大战期间,各个参战国的喷火式坦克都尝试或进入了战场,例如美国太平洋陆军和德国的喷火3型。最后,在新地图上,苏德战场如库尔斯克战役等,出现了猎人坦克歼击车犀牛坦克歼击车等。顺便说一下,似乎所有参与国都有装甲车,比如德国的Sdkfz,这是一种机械化装备,士兵可以和坦克一起骑到前线。还有,你可以看到“人间地狱”击中人体首先是血喷出来的!

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@China-吴 This is the english forum you should post in english, for easy the comunication with other user

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Can we have some adjustments made to paras now the merge is here

Personally The changable primary weapon should have been standard for them all.

Currently Paratroopers arent balanced up. With the addition of the soviets, the scales are tipped.

Allies : 2 low BR 2 high BR

Axis: 3 High BR (the Folgore are far too high)

Soviets: 2 low BR, 2 high BR (effectively)

Japan: 1 low BR

The folgore need to be adjusted in what ever way necessary to get them back down to BR 2/3, Plus an early Fallschirmjager squad.

Japan needs another squad that can choose weapons/BR


That, or BR should be counted using not only the primary weapon, but those from the weapon crates as well.

Sniper avs, dt29 (i think) and especially panzerfaust 100(!!!) have no business being at br 1 & 2.

Releasing a pay walled squad that can effectively BYPASS the ENTIRE br system, is just bad taste.


Yeah, that was too obvious to be an oversight, especially when Folgore were moved up specifically because of the flamerthrower kit in the crate.

Also I think that its not good form either balance wise, or historically wise for Germany not to have early war/BR paratroopers.

they basically wrote the book lol.


Oh and I’ll just post it, there’s no reason to abstain anymore with this, the m3 apc NOT for usa, and the downtiered br weapons effectively ignoring br:


I love the Soviet faction, I play with them often.

But NO faction should have advantages over the others with special mechanics, or worse, free pass with battle rating.

(Watch exclusive mains trying to counter my card with QQ, KT(H), IS2 bad cause reload a bit slower and I cannot aim. Takes more than one vehicle to make a faction op, Jeez.)



I don’t want to say anything, okay

RD-44 with 100/300 ammo

BR2, I am coming!!!