Reinforcements received: USSR paratroopers!

I won’t expect them before new event going to finish or when there will be only few days left.

They need to first came up with ARs for Japanese and US.

What ARs did those two factions used in ww2? I thought USA mostly sticked with the BAR (I know it’s not ar per say, but it’s what they used) and Japan, I really have no clue.

I even wonder if adding ARs for all factions was really necessary. Sure mean germans stg blah blah blah, but did Soviets really “needed” the as44 to compete? Doubtful. Does USA and Japan needs fantasy weaponry too?

Because Enlisted is now war thunder with boots, I’m pretty sure br 6, 7, 8… will be added with post war stuff.

Power creep got real, eww.


It definitely wasn’t.

In my opinion:
Japanese - should be only max BR3, no AR is needed in that case.
USSR - I am the kind of person who really likes ideas of weird & rare prototypes. So I really don’t give crap about stuff like AS-44. But it wasn’t needed since federov is still better AR anyway.
US - desperately needs legit assaulter weapon for endgame (BR5). I really do not care if it’s some prototype AR i have never heard about before or just another Thompson but actually good.
The best solution (imho) would be to rework current premium paras into soviet paras v2. And put Thompson 100 into tech tree.

But since they announced every faction will get AR engineers. The question about necessarity is kinda pointless.

I would rather see more WWII prototypes (or stuff that were manufactured during wwii but never used, IS-3 for example) than actual true post war content. But that’s purely my personal preference.


If is3 becomes a thing…

Then the door to post war will truly be opened. Along with weird prototypes to counter, like E75…

Then 60s tanks

Then contemporary vehicles, etc.

But that’s war thunder in a nutshell. It WILL be a thing… If the game lives long enough. We will see :thinking: (fomo events, grind and biased battle ratings along with inefficient mm surely won’t help with influx of new boots.)

We just need a post war BR for post war equipment and assault rifle, with some fictional map like cod ww2 London dockyards

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I’d like that, in truth. I liked the modern war event.


ONLY If post ww2 and ww2 NEVER mix togheter. I want both eras hard locked. So no is3 in Berlin, nor leopards!

But first we’d need new boots from steam. Will happen when the system is more solid, is my guess.


They don’t even need that weapon when they have Fedorov and that’s the landing weapon for the squad

It’s gonna happen eventually and the Germans will still not have a 100 round belt fed MG

Please, realize I’m not bashing Soviets nor defending axis, I’m just not too keen in using fantasy arms, especially not with arbitrary BR that is unequal among similar things (like pps43 and mp40, being the best example).

As for 100 ammo drum tommy I hope it will be in regular tech tree because it’s comical how good it is… when referring to a hose. It was also advertised years ago as an upcoming Normandy weapon.

I would have no problem with that weapon being in the game but my only problem is I’m gonna be seeing it everywhere at end game And I’m already seeing AS-44 and Fedorov everywhere so I don’t think we need more flavors of misery unless the German gets something as well.

the ovp is the worst smg in the entire game. High recoil, small mag and shitty iron and slow reload make it almost unusable

Axis ALREADY got stuff, thought.

Ass44 got implemented only because certain ppl couldn’t cope with stg. But ass44 really is almost identical to stg44…

They really did not need that weapon and they have Fedorov and if they really want an STG they should just play Germany

Would you play Soviets if you wanted to use a ppsh41? :upside_down_face:

Yes and if there was a campaign against the Americans

Tut tut tut!

There’s a campaign against Germany, you should be ok ppshing germans in the face, or it doesn’t count!

I can’t say more otherwise I’ll break the rules

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“Et voila”

You have the reason why Soviets “needed” the as44 copium. Because, just like there’s axis mains who refuse to play other factions while also wanting to use what other factions have there’s also Soviet mains.

Moral of this story: don’t be an exclusive main. Try all factions.


We don’t have PPSH as a campaign unlock so that’s not really a fair argument or undying magical Fedorov