Reinforcements received: USSR paratroopers!

If you believe pps-43 is mediocre smg for BR2, then… I don’t know :grimacing:


germans have ovp

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Even if it were not that good (it’s really good, probably better than axis ZK in tier 4) it’s not the point.

The point is, it’s not even respecting the new system, which is to put similar strength things at similar br. Here we could argue the pps counterpart is roughly the mp40.

Then… they should be the same br since they’re so alike, yes?

If not. Then what’s the point of using br at all if it’s random?


Are you trolling?


OVP is a buffed ppd34, very mediocre even for BR II.

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that was actually funny

Idk ppd34 box feels weird since the patch
Like its got a slower very wonky rate of fire now
And now the recoil pattern is a dumb swirl

I’m not saying its bad, but its different from when I enjoyed using it the day before the merge

I didn’t play with it yet since the merge, so this is new to me.

I largely prefere the 1918 over the ovp, the ovp is more BR1 gun for me

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Im using Mp34(ö) at BRII as Axis because I find BRII guns worse.
Beretta 38 (20 rounds) is probably also a decent gun but Im yet to unlock it.

Fun fact:
ZK and MP 35/1 are both BR4. And surprise! The next weapon in progression right after them is Berretta M38/42 which is BR3.

Can someone here explain me why is it like that? What’s the reason behind it?
That’s some proper DF logic.


It is very good, but nothing world ending like some people make it to be.

Yes, the 1918 is much better, but I prefer the FNAB and MP-34.

The FNAB is my favourite SMG at BR 2 so far, the 40 rnd mag and super fast tactical reload make it superb.

Same, but one 1918 for cqc is a must have

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Axis SMG are all trash, mediocre or OP with nothing in between. That is why BRII and BRIV automatic section sucks.


I think its just so there are some guns at BR 4 for germany so they dont jump from BR 3 to 5, it doesnt make sense from any other view.


Re event has anyone got the 20k reset for day 2 already??

ie its supposed to be 20k every 2 days but I already recieved 2 progress awards for 2 seperate 20k events.

My buddy who had 12k/20k done had his reset today like he missed a day??

A bug? or just days are off on the event?

Was a bug, its fixed now and you get an extra task done.


As usual DF don’t give a damn about balance as long as you pay them real $$$. B-but think about the new players when we tried to remove AR engies from your SFA pack!


When do we get the assault rifle engineers