Reinforcements received: Tunisian paratroopers

No erika normal squad are much more effective than paratroopers

para are flexibile but once you get your lodout that is it you are stucked with it until the next respawn and more importantly no lodout equip withaut the drop so normal spawn are completely relgate to a simply emergency defense spawn

Normal squad can have a mixed composition with 3-4 specialist and make you able to overcome all situation with all squad and strengths squad specialization

So no paratroopers are no better, again is only a misconception borned because try harder premade use them 24/7 for stomp, before paratroopers flamers was OP, before flamers Assaulter was OP, before Assaulter machinegunner was OP… and so on

Once a new squad is added in the game i assure you it become OP and no one care anymore of paratroopers

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i mean technically but would that mean 100 thomson suddenly appear in pacific or tunisia? since the 100 thomson are normandy para anyway i dont see how you can have 3 para on a map they shouldnt be on

that’s precisely what’s gonna happen.

it doesn’t matter if a squad is from pacific and ends up in normandy or vice versa.

that’s dictated by the BR.

and, that’s the whole point of the merge.
everything will be mixed together.

or… maybe start reading.

nothing really matters of that kind as you can get on the point, clear it up, let your allies join and wipe the enemy from it.

doesn’t work?

you can keep trying until you created enough distraction for the defenders to keep trying until you suceed.

because there’s only so much defenders can deal.

.> if defenders stays on cap,
it’s gonna be grenade and HE spam.

.> if defenders don’t stay on cap ( which it’s what mostly happens )
easier for paras to clear out the point and capture it while having to defend it.

while others defenders will be in between upcoming regular squads and at the same time, having to worry about paras on point.

it’s not that difficult.

don’t you play this game at all?

it’s just a matter of time before it will gets worse.

You can have 3 para squad and use only them after the merge,but in the future BR use 3 para squad relegate you in high-BR matches because at least 1 of the squad is sure equipped with a high-end weapon

(Fg42) (vickers)…

So this is a problem thath dont hit people who dont play with AR or heavy tank, 1944-45 plane…

I don’t know if any scenarios where small fire teams of paras were dropped directly into active battles, so the whole concept is irreparably anachronistic.

Having said that, and accepting that they’re here now; there are a few simple ways to balance paras: add a 1 minute cooldown at the beginning of the match before paras can land, increase the time it takes for the plane to reach the drop point and indicate it’s location like other aircraft, and prohibit landing directly on or near capture points.

I think that will mitigate the biggest problems caused by this new squad without making them useless



so basically enlist will become a historical fantasy anyway im not one of those “realism” guy but are they actually gonna allow that? now we can probably see tiger in moscow if we go by that logic right?
edit; hold on im gonna look up the tier list cause i didnt look at it

which it’s gonna be a shit show.

on top of full those stgs, you’ll also have those type of S****rs paradropping non stop.

and as you can do it, someone else might too. increasing the efficency of it.

some people don’t care about balance as i see, but i do.

especially for end tier.

It’s really… a waste of tickets, honestly. You can attain better results by building a well placed hmg, or harassing with assaulters, or even sniping (with ars or semis) from the sides…

Just dropping in the very middle of a cap, as akin to diving into a proverbial shark or piranha tank…

Then you have smart paratroopers dropping along the sides of the cap… which very much resemble what other foot troopers should do. Flanking. From a rally point.


Paras are just fine to me. I wouldn’t mind slight adjustments like @Forlorn_Squad suggested earlier thought.

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Erika stop, what you are saying imply thath your enemy is so much retarded thath forget in 2s a guy who dropped on their head/come behind their ass a moment before, and if this happen i dont need paratroopers, 9 man rifleman with stock BA and 1 granade are more than enough…

Be careful buddy! Doing so is the same as posting a Willy Wonka picture, it attracts eraser ducks!



no, you will not get tigers in moscow.

but it’s likely that at top/end tier, you will face paratroopers from the pacific and what not.

so, combine the campaign togethers, and what’s what you’ll get.

you do realize that you don’t necessarely have to drop on point right?

sure, that’s the fastest way, but you can somewhat drop 10 / 15 meters away to safely get your kit, and start murdering bots.

as… that’s what you’ll mostly face on points.

not many players stays on points.

you’ll face them outside or far near attackers spawn.

which, in the defender case, paras are not effective as attackers pars. ( can still be effective in others way, but not really. just slow and mostly used for clear out though rallies )

Good, I’m hungry.
Gib me the duck. I have an owen. I will manage the rest.

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hey can anyone sent me the tier thing i forgot what it call

If endgame people want spam let them do it as they want in an endgame player only battle, the other people who can chill can simply play in a lower BR and avoid it

That’s true for well defended points, but when somebody can drop a squad immediately after a point is captured and before defenders can establish themselves on the new point, it becomes a problem.

That is really just exacerbating an existing problem with invasion mode, in that it can become a race to see who can sprint to the new capture point first, and defenders are given no grace period to fall back and prepare themselves.


how about you start thinking and actually realize the consequences.

you literally get grenades, can place rally, bring the whole team etc.

a gameplay that primarly gets overclassed and eased out by the use of paratroopers ( 1 / 2 or even 3 ) it’s not a good gameplay and you can’t defend it.

or else, you’re just willingly blind.

ps, gotta go for my dinner.

i’m starving here

Yes, you will get tigers in moscow.
It will be (fingers crossed) unlikely, but possible.


Even my flamethrowers squad… my assaulter squad… machinegunner squad… rifleman squad…

Withaut need fly, drop, and open a box for do it…


Moscow isn’t in the game. There are maps featuring small Soviet hamlets and villages, but they could be from any time and place in the war on the eastern front.