Reinforcements received: Tunisian paratroopers

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i mean im not gonna suggest much but as someone who carry a lot of match except when there are god on my team i think para are quite universal which is good for me since my squad arent max yet so i dont have engy or enough firepower to capture point.
also i think para in tunisia is fine i mean it in a desert and it an open map unlike normandy but yea increse the distance the plane spawn might make it more balance? since it spawn like 5 meter to where you want and you cant react in time from my experience that is

Paras aren’t OP at all, I rarely see anyone use paras, and when I use them myself I rarely even drop from the air and instead use whatever rallies are built. I usually use the mortar kit though if I do drop, since they can have an Engineer.

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When maps like D-Day exist yes Paras should be able to build rallies.

They shouldn’t be able to build AT and MG nests though.

more like. you underestimate their actual effectiveness.

and… i as i have been playing the pacific and normandy,
they are almost everywhere. and not uncommon as you believe.

so, let’s play a game.
take a shot each time you face a para ( from your or enemy team ).

you won’t be with us after a week.

which, you could argue not everyone is able to use them, which it’s fine.

but it’s less fine when peole will be able to pull with 3 paratroopers squad non stop on the objective or elsewhere.

the problem with paras are that are so effective as easy to use.
and it simply “breaks” the already thin line of gameplay of this game.

and the question is,
do we really have to make matches last even less than they already were?

let alone funny teams/premades paradropping 32 soldiers at a time on the objective plus all the other grunts that will soon come to the objective.

they are not op.

but sure as hell they can be one of the most handy and versatile class.

which almost make any other class pointless.

so, instead of buthering them with nerfs, or make them too op, those should be limited like vehicles. you can’t have more than 1 para in your active line up, and then would be balanced.

( i know with premium and more slots you can have more than 1 vehicle, but for such type of infantry, 1 should do. )

but it serves no one to be willingly blind and don’t recognize the actual threat that they pose.


Well in this case, paras are used and abused by min-max/high skilled player (usually in squad of 4) who transform them in terminator squad (and they do this already with normal end game squad) a normal para squad used by an avarage player is effective as every other squad used by an avarage player


Wen those guy enter the chat
Even the raider squad magically start breaking the game and solo the whole enemy team

So paratroopers dont have fault they need only some adjustment, but is the game fault who simply until the merge come keep smack togther min-max/high skilled player, aganaist people who want simply play at theyr own pace, And make you think ho no this thing is OP…


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Well, it depends on opinions I guess.

I maintain, again in my opinion, that they are fine. You maintain, in yours, that they are not.

One interesting thing coming out of this thought, that you attribute to paras, while being another real issue entirely.

Pre made stacks. Sure you can have 4 buddies para at the same time. But it won’t make them win more, the victory of a 4 player stacks is pretty much always a given no matter what type of squad the stack decides to use.

I’d again propose a matchmaker pitting stacks against the same amount of stacks. Playing in stacks is effortless victory.



being flexible enough for almost any occasions with the ability to use 3 of them in the merge is largely overshadowed by premades?

the whole point of balance, is to keep at bay veterans against normies.

but you, in your eyes, are completely fine with using all sorts of paras against people that might not even have them.

odd choice comparing 4 players in a coordinated team with mg bikes to a 4 team paras.

which, theorically, yes, even normal squads could be powerfull in coordinated trharder teams.

but not even close to 4 paras. as paras are the most flexible squad in this entire game to a point where it makes almost the other useless.

hence, they need to be nerfed to only one squad active in line up, and perhaps, no more than 2 players per jump simultaneously.

those, would make an impact while avoid butchering.

haven’t i made my self clear with the previous message or something? pretty sure it’s there.

Well yes…

Stacks already destroy any enemy team they face, even if all they use are riflemen (but they mostly use assaulters, faster, more efficient).

After the conversion, it will remain the same, even with BR.

Paratroopers, thought, won’t ALL be in the same BR brackets.

again. you’re missing the point.

it’s not about not facing paras in all brackets.

thats the least of our concenrs.

but the point where matches will 5 out of 10 become a competition of who uses paratroopers all over the place. ( with people having 3 para squads )

it simply breaks the gameplay creating new horrible metas and making quick work of matches by decreasing the overall length.

making effectively end tier a shitshow.

personally, i managed to turn around losing matches with paras. because of rallies ( granted, when teammates aren’t questionable ) even with just one para squads.

imagine what someone better than me could do with 3 para squads.

absolute nightmare.

To be fair, end tier will be a shit show even if the paratrooper class is deleted entirely.

Paratroopers are not the cause of every issues. We could argue assaulters spam is just as deadly if not more. 3x assaulters all with stg44 or Fedorov… those won’t fear paratroopers.

i can agree to an extent.

but here is the different, those fancy smg guys must get to the point first.

they don’t have the ability to ( potentially ) paradrop on point literally on the objective non stop.

ok so people will have 3 para squad BUT the problem will be are they gonna appear where they werent suppose to like for example will you be able to use the 100 thomson para in pacific most like not so unless they can use the 100 thomson or 100 vicker in pacific it shouldnt be a problem right?


But… In my experience just dropping directly on a defended point is merely a fast way to waste tickets. It’s just suicide…


not sure what you mean.

sounds like an historical accuracy complaints.

which it’s kinda useless given the various circumstances. but theorically, pacific wont be a thing in late american tiers.

i mean that what im getting from reading your thing like those para squad use different gun afterall while i do get having 3 para is a problem you cant use those 3 in different campaign as far as i understand it

that’s how you can coordinate with a buddy where he drops to place a rally, and you shrink the defenders.

and using flame trhowers or mgs makes quick work of the defenders.

plus all the grenades that they come with.

and… well, almost no one manage to reach paras on roofs.

or heck. you don’t even need a buddy.

you can simply drop with para squads once after another.

you will be guarantee to free and capture the objective by keep spawning on it and killing the enemies.

buying you time for your ally to reach the point with almost no casualties.

except… campaigns aren’t gonna be a thing in a near future?


Just kidding. These “The sky is falling!!” people amuse me. According them this game is made by idiots and clearly failing because of it…

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