Reinforcements received: Tunisian paratroopers


as much i love paras like the next person,

we are better off from them.

it serves no purpose rather than make matches easy and quicker.

as someone else said, paras are ok, but the engy needs to go.

so you can still use them to clear rallies, attack from behind, and above all, disrupt enemies from behind.

but not being able to magically bring the entire army to the rear. that’s just nonsense.

( by the way, i’ll admit i’m kinda abusing them. just too easy as a class to win )
the only utility that it served me and recognize their effectiveness, is simply being able to spawn 100/50 meters in a flank, place a rally, and clear out the point or secure / defend my own rally.

that’s it.

that’s the whole gameplay.

otherwise, yeah, spawn in the rear to clear out tanks / enemy rallies.

but… it is really what enlisted needed?


yep… that’s totally gonna be a thing.

funny … but… only for a handful of times.

Lovely one tbh :slight_smile:

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Like removing explosions that appear out of thin air around the transport plane? This is a little funny, haha.

That’s good to hear, the devs need to be aware that paratroopers are a good addition to the game, we do appreciate it, but its just them dropping right ontop of capture points that breaks the flow of the game.

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Count on me too. They really should remove ability to build spawn point for them. Their role should be in finding and destroying of enemy spawn points and with ablility to make theyr own are simply to OP.

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Darkflow: adds Italian paratroopers
Also Darkflow: nerfs paratroopers at the same time


for the greater good.

after all, rome empire wasn’t made on the back of magic paras :wink:

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I like paras.

But being honest… I rarely see them in Pacific anymore, and not much in Normandy either.

I don’t think they require a nerf… if almost nobody ever uses them, then those claiming they are op and can’t be countered… could they be wrong?

And if ppl DO use paras, which is rare… that small % of ppl will use the assault kit from the box, 80% of the time. Not leaving much paratroopers players actually using them to build rallies.

I’m going to have a surprisingly bold opinion and say:

Paras are just fine. :person_shrugging:


Rally points built by paras can be match breaking.

Paras need to be storm squads/recon but not magic army logistics headquarters

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Thanks, now I’ve got the mental image of Romans delivering paratrooper legionnaires into sieged cities via catapults…


yeah, paras are almost fine.

  • A red indication marker on the transport plane would be convenient and increase the fly time by 5 seconds.
  • Make a 35 m"iron circle" around the objective you can’t jump within OR even better: make every newly opened objective have a small cooldown of 20-30 sec (it’s 1.30 in confrontation).

Ppl totally overrate their ability to build rally points. I do it maybe 1 of 10 times with them, and would have done the same job if not better with a regular squad. Dropping with paras on a flank is just a big “here are we!” to the enemies.
So no need to change this, imo.

And lastly and most importantly, one of the most fun classes to use. Don’t change it too much.
I love them.


With the Alien smart gun mentioned last time? I’m ready for this.



Probably cause the paratrooper squads weren’t equipped with full auto weapons. Which makes them less appealing than the other paratroopers.

My thoughts exactly. Those small fixes would do just fine.

I rarely build a rally with them either. I use them as shock troops to destabilize my opponents, giving time for friendlies to move up… so assault kit like a mere grunt. I already drop around cap zones, behind buildings too… those foolish enough to drop in the middle due waaay too quickly.

There’s no real issue with paras.


Possibly. I still love them thought. Japanese bolty is great, and USA 1918 is just perfect for the job.

Ppl overreact…


I just don’t think a lot ppl have them tbh.

Even if it’s the weakest paratroopers on paper I found those two the most useful ones. Considering map layout and the flow of the campaign.

Paras in Normandy are for sure really good. But also hit-or-miss.

Storming the objective with 9 men with M2C or a StG squads is far more effective. (Apart from some hard captured buildings in Steel mill)


Recently I’ve been consuming 2 types of media: MG related and 40k related.

You are not helping in my attempts to break out.


I can appreciate this.

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That could be true as well, many may chose not to grind for the paratroopers considering that most FPS players would prefer full-auto weapons over semi or bolt-action weapons.

Exactly, I enjoy using bolt-actions and semi than full auto weapons. I only have the Japanese squad one, not the American. But I imagine I have fun with the American squad equally as the Japanese.
