Reinforcements received: Rocket Storm!

i took out a IS2 and Tiger 2 P during test so it definitely good against most tank (altho i think the IS2 case it got lucky while Tiger 2 P engine burn)

Personally I’d like those 2 “warning” rockets removed to make it more similar to irl rocket arty.
But I guess balance blah blah blah


This event is huge, they are all BR3 right?

I hope you will let us to call arty at enemies greyzone. Range of arties are too limited if tanks can camp far away from the battlefield.

you can change their gun (rifle) to anything you want (so any br)

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the rifles are br 4 by default
but you can switch their guns


Stop putting a cap on each level. Let us unlock as many levels as we want per day. Return to tradition; return to roots.


Agree even before event Japan BR5 was completely stacked you can’t play American BR3-4 without encountering full lobby of BR5 Japan. And now it will get 10x worse.

Once again stating that MECHANICS should NOT be locked to Premium or even Event squads because they end up going to waste on the shelf collecting dust…BECAUSE they are entirely tied to just 4 squads

All Radio Operators should have rocket artillery. Perhaps it can be added as an upgrade in their research tree while these squads have it unlocked by default


And people will still complain. Omg this game is sooooooo p2w with units locked behind moneyi and events. Durrrrrrrrrrrr


Ah, well, those can never be completely erased, they will forever persist :sweat_smile:

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This is an Awesome event! I picked a good time to get back into the game!

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I mean, those events won’t last for ever. So just like paras, rocket arty will become a paywalled feature after a month.
And content locked behind a paywall will always be suspicious.

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Yeah, I like that there’s a bunch of stuff to get but I dont have an entire month to play a game. If I wanted the German Radiomen I’d have to play at least 28 days. This is a ludicrous amount of time, I could maybe get 2 squads at most with my schedule. Being able to select which squad to unlock with a ticket would go a long way for more casual players under time constraints and reduce burn-out.


Are the devs allergic to putting squads into the tech tree instead of making them FOMO event rewards?


You either pay with real money or with your time.

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The entitlement on some is astonishing, IT’s A Free Event, you play the game and get stuff…trying to set your own rules is not part of it.

It never seems to end, the ppl that want to have it there way… make your own game then fools, this one is set by the developers who made the game. Either enjoy it or don’t, know one is making you play. It is not a paywall or pay-to-win, turn on your notifications on to get the news, play or not, you do have choices in life right??


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It’s always gotta be when I’m about to go on holiday!!!


The developers really put a lot of effort into this game. I think Enlisted is a better game than War Thunder. I really like this game, especially the custom mods.


Can I purchase ANY squad after the event? Or will it be only what I was next about to unlock? I still dislike the fact it resets after 2 days. I can’t even get enough time to get 10k a day. Let’s alone 20k I. 2 days.

I spend more money on this game than time. I never even play much. :confused:


Dude I wish they would bring that back. Omg that would be PERFECT. I can work my hours at my jobs and still be able to participate!

The current system doesn’t allow me to even unlock anything. :pensive:

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