Also I don’t like them. I simply don’t have time and I’m sad I miss out on fun/interesting things.
Thankfully I can open my wallet and pay extraordinary prices to skip the grind.
Honestly, it’s scummy as hell, but if you’re having a hard time you can get a tank in a good position to greyzone camp you can grind down half the event in like one game if you’re lucky.
Airplane cycling is similarly scummy, but as long as your teammates have enough braincells to spot for you can grind a lot of XP for vehicle kills.
I don’t normally condone that sort of behavior but desperate times and all that. Just be prepared for the hatemail.
you do know that those 5k event still give the weapon at stage 4 aka 20k right? sure you can keep point for next day and stuff but overall the grind is still the same but you keep the point (which i will admit was a good thing but then again i also remember it having less time than current 20k event)
the good thing from that is someone can farm 80k in one day which is good i guess (im not one of them i only do around 30k iirc)
right i forgot that current event waste like 5 stage before the reward i guess they could get rid of those empty stage
No, you are wrong.
Well people simply cant accept the fact that they gonna miss some events the moment this event come out I realized I wont be having time to play it but its not a big deal I focus only on the events that I really need so definitely events are not to tiring they keep the game alive.
You have “grind squads” separate from your normal set up? Weird
Cough MG 15 cough Type 100
but i dont have pression i can do it when i want
man they could have used special event order to buy multiple event weapons instead of being forced to grind and get 1 event gun only…
As someone that logs on everyday … nope … they are rewarding.
this is the issue … time gating across days. Regardless of my situation, there are those that can’t play everyday. Having only 2 days to do tasks can be frustrating when you can’t get rewards. This is the same reason that Breakthrough events are FAR SUPERIOR to Reinforcement Received events.
task requirements for someone that is only playing 1 - 2 games a day can also be daunting as the requirements tend to be more suited to those that top the scoreboards with 5,000 + score per 20 minute game.
20,000 BP is a lot for someone that only gets 1 - 2k per game or less to get. Less so for top players.
In my opinion, Reinforcement Received as a format needs a change: just make it so stages unlock every 2 days so you can’t go past a certain point but you can make up ground would be a HUGE change allowing you to catch up on a day off etc.
For mini challege quest events, they are easy to complete all the time. 20k score on every 2 days is very generous enough. Thats like doing 4 match and getting 5k score which is really the average people’s score in invasion and demolition mode.
They should have added event order to buy first rocket squad of my own choice instead of getting Japan and Allies rocket squad first.
What, I spent like 2-3 weeks and got like 2 squads and 1 golden order card lmfao. I was close to soviets side, but I couldn’t get it cuz I didn’t have time lately ;-;
its really not. Enlisted demands you to spend more time, like more than 1 hour.
Yup, it’s weird
So what you’re saying is we need to reduce the event reset for each stage to every day with 50,000 a day?
I’m kidding we don’t need that people complain about events enough lol
With the right faction and correct map you can get your 20K in a single match depending how sweaty you want to get. May not be possible anymore thanks to them changing confrontation but you used to be able to do it all the time. Now it might be 1 to 2 matches instead of just the one.
Just find the faction that works the best for you and try to keep up with everyone changing to a different faction, always stay on the winning side during events That’s the fastest way you’re going to complete the event. These events used to be a massive impossible slog for me, But that’s because I was always playing against a faction that was winning nearly 100% of the time. As soon as I switch to that faction my events were done within 20 -30 minutes.
So what you’re saying is we need to reduce the event reset for each stage to every day with 50,000 a day?
What I said was “events in Enlisted are easier than in other games, like Armored Warfare”, which translates into “events in Enlisted are very easy, no need to make them easier”.
I got what you were saying, I was just messing with you. Yes, events are ridiculously easy to complete. Especially compared to how they used to be.
20 000 points = 3- 4 good matches
I think I once got it in 1 match, in previous event I got in in 2.
So id say because I did it everyone else also has to do it. 20k / game or no points at all.
Mg 81 my beloved
I would love to use that one so much! Such a masterpiece of a gun.
I only hope one day we see it in enlisted
For mini challege quest events, they are easy to complete all the time. 20k score on every 2 days is very generous enough. Thats like doing 4 match and getting 5k score which is really the average people’s score in invasion and demolition mode.
maybe average for skilled veteran players. majority of players cant get more than 3000 score per average battle, with lot of people getting even less than 2k per battle.

maybe average for skilled veteran players. majority of players cant get more than 3000 score per average battle, with lot of people getting even less than 2k per battle.
Sounds a lot like bots get that score. Vehicle kills literally gives you like 500-1k score minimum in invasion gamemode