Another event..... NOOOOOO

If something we can everyone agree the events are to tiring because we have to do the tasks in 2 days, the real problem comes when OP weapons like the stinger and you know that you need to get it before the event ends because is a very good weapon. i also have a story about the last event…

When the rocket squad event was aviable, i didn´t had to much time to play i just played 1 hour per day i had to do my best in those games, meanwhile the time passed i was even more stressed than the day before trying to make the 20k until the event finished, luckly when it finished i was finally capable of play the squads i usually played before and not the unconfortable and annoying grind squads like the mortar squad ( i never liked that thing)

Also i had some familiar problems because my parents saw me stressed meanwhile i was playing and even mad sometimes because i had to “try to cooperate with useless teams” carring them in the process they recommend me to stop play but i said that “i don´t gonna waste one month of torture” and it was like that i spent the whole month and got the squads.

in overwall it was a very frustating experience.

So I ask the devs to make the event less painful, such as giving one more day to do the tasks, or reducing the number of points needed to 15k or 10k


20 000 points = 3- 4 good matches

Events in Enlisted are easier than in other games, Armored Warfare for example.


I like the events. They give me something to do. Keep the game fresh, but they’re also optional. Not gonna kill you to skip one if you’re busy.


Let’s not pretend you’re speaking for everyone.


Or the godawful events in Warthunder. They’re damn near impossible for someone with a busy life to finish.


well i also scream like a mental patient everytime i get annoy but this event arent that bad tbh it not 20k point so just do the quest and dgaf about winning or losing and you’ll be fine

also pistol OP? really? then everything is OP

the problem is when the event is something op like the combat enginner or the stingers there´s more examples

Well the problem comes when you have shit games and you just loose your whole time

Stinger is alright. A little weird to have an Aircraft MG as an infantry weapon, but it does open the door for maybe having a similar event for Germany with the MG-81. I’d really like to see that.



well let´s get back in the past i just noticed about an event where we only need to make 5k and we got a decent weapon also, Im just talking about the 20k events where it gaves you squads, weapons ( generally good ones) like the t34 100, stinger, the paratroopers too so im just argumenting about why not reduce the points needed for 20k events? or grind less to get it

I understand your frustration mate. That is why I take the game in a very light-hearted way as of late. Just turn down my volume to 20 and play a good song in loop in the background. If I see a stack or a hopelessly outcompeted team I just leave.

Tbh it feels like the game is kept alive by those events.


in other games as you said the problem in enlisted is when you only have shitty games, like me so that´s the why i suggest to give more time to events or reduce the points needed

im not saying that i want less events im saying that we need less requiriments for each task

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Also I don’t like them. I simply don’t have time and I’m sad I miss out on fun/interesting things.
Thankfully I can open my wallet and pay extraordinary prices to skip the grind.

Honestly, it’s scummy as hell, but if you’re having a hard time you can get a tank in a good position to greyzone camp you can grind down half the event in like one game if you’re lucky.

Airplane cycling is similarly scummy, but as long as your teammates have enough braincells to spot for you can grind a lot of XP for vehicle kills.

I don’t normally condone that sort of behavior but desperate times and all that. Just be prepared for the hatemail.

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you do know that those 5k event still give the weapon at stage 4 aka 20k right? sure you can keep point for next day and stuff but overall the grind is still the same but you keep the point (which i will admit was a good thing but then again i also remember it having less time than current 20k event)

the good thing from that is someone can farm 80k in one day which is good i guess (im not one of them i only do around 30k iirc)

right i forgot that current event waste like 5 stage before the reward i guess they could get rid of those empty stage

No, you are wrong.


Well people simply cant accept the fact that they gonna miss some events the moment this event come out I realized I wont be having time to play it but its not a big deal I focus only on the events that I really need so definitely events are not to tiring they keep the game alive.

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