Reinforcements received: Assault engineers

On a Russian part of forum people write that these recent crashes are caused by a hackers.

Truth or not, I went to play Call of Duty :yum:

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I wish the assault engineers for this event had access to submachine guns as well.


Mmm Stalingrad tears

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I wish that were the case. I barely have time to play as it is and have missed several event squads. Definitely sucks

Still being a boot licker in other threads I see, cringe :clown_face:


Yeah im on the same boat, i wish there was atleast a warning a week in advance before the merge. I would have got more Thompsons for the soviets

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OK, the german helmet is WW1.

But, can we use others helmets from cosmetic to replace it ?

It will be good, no ?

Event calendar for convenience)


Nah. They’ve been in the shit long enough that they know the denotation’s too far away to touch them

I had one instance where my screen went totally white while I was in a battle and the battle kept going on around me. I disconnected my Internet to get myself kicked, then reconnected+reloaded the game and it prompted me with the question of whether I wanted to rejoin my game. I hit yes and was back in. I was out of action for less than 5 minutes.

Can you strengthen these two corps of engineers?

I literally hate these 2 days 20k stuff


These engineers, at least the German one, lacks the free perk reset.


It’s a feature - free perk reset was for bugged soldiers in one pair of event assault squads.

It’s not a mistake, the perks were reset in cases where the stats of the squad soldiers were broken.

“Congratulations, you’ve been rewarded with a new squad! Now cough up a million silver to get it in to playable state or scram!”


If someone is new enough that a handful of Mkb’s matter to them then they probably shouldn’t be ready for BR5.

If they have been around longer, the Mkb’s are probably redundant and can be sold to deal with perk costs I would think.

wow that is actually really really bad, it used to be a feature before the merge. I guess even more points to show how bad the economy in game is.

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I’m a little late on the event but now Siegwart be Flexin’


Comrade Oleg also trying to keep up


Salvatore Lopez got the bling


Kaneko-san with the swag as well



fucking 20000 score because I can only be on the computer for one hour

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I really like the Blueish coloured Jackets on this squad!!!

would be nice if it was just the default look in most campaigns.

Very nice.

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What are you talking about?