Reinforcements received: Assault engineers

In the conditions of the Second World War, a hit to the abdomen or chest is always fatal.

I’d love to have a properly historical game mode. The US would absolutely dominate with 0 recourse and 0 respite because everyone knows 30-06 Springfield and .45 ACP can’t be beaten by militaries that use filthy commie unit bullets. Garand’s, Thompson’s, and BAR’s vs Kar98k’s, MP40’s, and MG 42’s? Please

yeah me too man

Conditions of the World War? Buddy there were people surviving chest shots and face shots during the Revolutionary War. Medicine and medical practice advanced a lot in the 150+ years that followed


Me living in a sh*t country getting Packetlost every match having at best 140 ms of ping and barely being able to play on a potato PC


My condolences

Yes, I agree, let’s give historical accurate mode. The P47 carried a historical accurate 2000 lb bomb. The B17 or Liberator is also historically accurate, and so are guided bombs. The numerical superiority and aerial supremacy of the Allies was also historically accurate.

I have the feeling that the main German is arguing about historical accuracy, and only where it suits them. If we want historical accuracy, let everything be historically accurate.

The bombing runs by Radio Ops definitely would need to be buffed again. Them puny bombs hardly kill anything. Plus, there should be more like 20+ B-17’s flying in to rain Hell on everyone’s heads
And all of our tanks would need a serious rework. Sherman’s could bounce Panther shots all day long

yep it a miracle if you can play 5 match without a single crash or hang

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Bombing runs could help the allies. It could be Wellington on lower BRs and B17 on higher ones. Let them have a full load. A Liberator armed with guided bombs could be played by players. If we really want historical accuracy, it can’t stop at handguns. The current state of the game is that the main German sets up a rally point 50 meters from the point and runs to his death. He has an STG-44 and you have a Thompson. The worst is when they are a group of four. How are you going to win this as an invader?

And here I am sitting with 250+ ms ping.

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Yes … you can sleep 27 days and some days more before you get them. Same for me.
Strange world. Bad Prank.


Only way I’ve been doing good is just being a better player then I guess

Why can’t you guys just keep your promises? Is it too much too ask after you all kept changing what you were willing to give to those who bought the Stalingrad pack? Apparently so, you all knew that by adding gold orders people who bought the pack would be tempted to grind the event, so you broke your promise that the pack owners would receive the USSR and Germany squads immediately at the start of the event, this just makes the “we’re keeping our promises” a lie, you don’t keep your promises when you change them and then say “the new thing is what we are promising, just forget what we promised we’d do before”.


If I have to be a significantly better player to win, this is not balanced. A balanced game means that equally skilled players have the same chance to win.

Stop whining here all the time. Nobody ever promised you golden orders. Gold orders are for the event, put up with it. Why do these wallet warriors always have to be so annoying.

Every thing have his history … You joined the game one month ago. So your knowledge is a bit restricted. And I think you dont have understand the point of Atomic Fudge…Its not a thing of wallet warriors and whining , its a thing of truthfulness, trust and credibility. Things that seem lost today.


At least you can play the game, I get a bug on a loading screen and cannot launch the game:



dam man i just have a crash and a black area 2 time today seem like enlisted is loading something that isnt necessary

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With how things are going I think we’re gonna need another free point just like the last event because of system issues or problems because they rushed the update