Reinforcements received: Assault engineers

It’s if I can :sweat_smile: my schedule is so busy if I can play 1hr I’m lucky. If I play 2hr a day, it’s luxury… that I’ll have to pay for, later :zipper_mouth_face:

I like having logic in my shooters. Smaller, less drag efficient bullet out of a shorter barrel? Less damage. Makes sense, right?

I don’t care if it realistically fits or not. I chose Enlisted because it’s an arcade and not a simulator. The game is presented as an arcade, I see no reason why the weapons cannot be changed like in call of duty.

When planes can be nerfed, so can weapons. I simply will not be in an unbalanced game, if someone steps on me, I will desert. And lately I’ve been deserting quite often on BR 5.0 because stacked groups are going against me and it’s unplayable.

Why would I stay and waste time in a game in which I know in the first minute that I will lose. I’ll leave and find another game.

Probably because it is not Call of Duty and that the game dev tries to keep a semblent of realism in the game as well as keeping some real features such as fire rate for instance ?

Don’t worry, I’m as frustrated as you are.


Filth. That’s as bad as saying “like in WT”
It’s funny really. You want made up and illogical gun stats. Meanwhile I want the stats to be as realistic as possible. I think it would be best to use one gun as a base, I say the Kar98k, and base all the rest off of that damage. Increasing and decreasing based on energy of the projectiles for their respective guns
Also, guns that use the same bullet and have similar velocities should do the same damage. Looking at you M1903 and M1 Garand

This train left a long time ago. Because no one enjoyed it and the reality of World War II was shit. And this game was never realistic or any other game because if you want a realistic game you have to consider numerical superiority. If we are to have realism, then with everything. Let the Germans have 2 Tigers, but let the Allies have 4 Shermans. There were also not as many Germans as the Allies. So yes, I agree let the Germans have realistic STG-44 and I will play with realistic Thompsons, but let there be 15 Americans against 10 Germans. Where is the realistic air superiority? You cannot balance a game where one side (Germany) went for quality and the other side (the Allies) went for quantity if the number of players on both sides is the same. It can not be.

I wrote above why the game cannot be balanced while maintaining historical accuracy if the number of players on both sides remains the same.

If that remark was directed at me I suggest you re-read my post, since you missed the point entirely.

As to the following post of yours, which was not directed at me:

Realize that this “the priority” and “back seat” statement of yours is just your opinion, that is all it is. As such it is valuable and interesting to take note of, certainly for you. Be aware however that your opinion is not the “truth”, “an absolute truth” and that it is also not the “only solution”. It might be all that for you, but it is not for many others and it is also not for me.

Different people value different things and everyone thinks they are “right” from their own point of view.

Agree to disagree and respect other people’s opinions and leave it at that.

As to “balance” that is something which cannot be judged, it is in the eye of the beholder. That is why “balanced” war games based on real world situations are never balanced. If you want a truly neutral balanced game then think of something like chess, that is balanced, both sides are equal.

A Königstiger if portrayed authentic from a technological point of view had no equal in WW2, there is no “balance” against that. If you want to “balance” a Königstiger Panzer versus any Sherman tank then you will have to either arbitrarily downgrade the technological characteristics of the Königstiger or upgrade the technological characteristics of the Sherman. That “balance” will then not be based on anything logical but solely of the opinion of the one doing the “balancing”. If the Sherman and Königstiger are authentic in a game regarding their technological characteristics then the most logical way to “balance” the sides would be to allow the side with the Shermans a substantial numerical advantage, anything from 2 to 1 to 5 to 1.

And even that is not “balanced” because the “balancing” is not in the weapon, the balancing is in the players. An unskilled player in a Königstiger is not “balanced” versus a skilled player in a Sherman. Not in a game and not in real life either.

Balancing players on skill level is what few, if any, games address in their design. Even though it would be quite simple actually to use a balance system for players based on their statistically tracked skill in the game.

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I would agree with that. If we are to have historical accuracy, so also in numbers. If it was 1 Tiger 2 vs 4 Shermans, that would be possible. Let everyone have STG-44, but let it be 15 players on the American side with Thompsons, vs 10 players on the German side with STG-44.

Look I don’t know how to explain this to you, but .45 ACP SMG /= StG. That’s just a simple truth. If you can’t overcome the “disadvantage” of less DMG while having higher RoF then don’t use the Thompson. Use the M2 Carbine

M2 carbine against FG-42-2? That’s probably a joke, isn’t it? When someone writes about historical accuracy, a historically accurate hit to a person’s body is fatal from any weapon. So what if we got rid of non-historical weapon damage, but every hit to the body would be fatal?

I’m actually in favor of historical accuracy. Let a historical accurate hit to the German’s body kill him in one blow as it should, not in 6 hits as is the case today.

Dang bro just add more crap to the mix and change the whole conversation why don’t you?

Look if we’re being honest, I HATE that they have something as little used as the FG 42’s. It’s a paratrooper weapon that they’re just handing out all willy nilly. I call that thing the F(a)G 42 every time it kills me for a dang reason. Don’t even get me started on all the other crap in the Kraut, Commie, and Jap trees that barely if even had a single prototype made

But whatever. If they want to make every Kraut and Jap small arm act like the wundewaffe they were “supposed” to be, then I’ll just beat them with skill and the far superior 30-06

Shot placement is important. Not every body shot is fatal

I don’t really care how the game is balanced, whether it’s historical accuracy or Call of Duty-style editing. I just want to be competitive that’s all. At the moment, allies against Germany are not playable on 5.0. I heard that the Germans are deserting to play against the Americans and not the Soviets. I guess I’ll start doing that too.

I only gotten 1 crash after update and didn’t receive any error message but I’m getting a lot of packet loss and fps drop after the update. It make the match unplayable. The match was running fine until 3rd objective.
I play on a laptop by default
Asus ROG Strix G17 so it’s definitely not some :potato:if anyone was gonna be a eww about it.

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