Reinforcements received: Assault engineers

If they had kept their word, I think it might have been up on steam after March 21st.
But in reality, I think there are some details they didn’t get right in the latest update.
So are they perhaps being overly optimistic about the reviews on steam?
In the game, the player is the one who is vulnerable in the face of the developer.
Reviews may be their only means of expressing their emotions.

If you have two equally skilled players against you, and one has an American weapon and the other a German one, the one with the German weapon always wins. BR 5.0. And that’s a problem because automatic weapons are the most important thing in the game.


So everyone that bought the Stalingrad DLC basically went from being able to have an unlimited number of USSR and German engineers that were able to use StG/ARs to having none of them after the introduction of the vaunted “2023 rework”.

And with this engineer event the Stalingrad DLC StG/ARs engineers will be replaced by only one USSR squad and one German squad each with 6 engineers that are able to carry StG/ARs, so that means going from an unlimited amount of them to only twelve of them which are further limited to two squads.

Not exactly an improvement.

It is a bit silly to keep this StG/ARs limitation on engineers, it would be a better solution to just let all engineers be able to use StG/ARs.

In fact it would be best to let the StG/ARs take the place in Enlisted they had in real life: the StG/ARs were developed and used as the replacement for the machine pistol (submachine gun), rifle, battle rifle and squad light machine gun by the Germans in WW2. The Germans were the only ones to develop and issue a true StG/AR in WW2 (the Federov is not a true StG/AR because it uses a regular rifle round) and the only ones to mass produce them and they developed and designed the StG/AR specifically to replace the machine pistol (submachine gun), rifle, battle rifle and squad light machine gun. So the German approach is the only authentic one for WW2, especially because they in reality were the only ones to develop, mass produce, issue and use StG/AR in WW2.

It would therefore make sense to let every class in Enlisted use the StG/AR in Enlisted but with a PENALTY on certain fire modes if they are NOT Assaulters. That way only Assaulters would be able to use the StG/AR in Enlisted WITHOUT A PENALTY and all the other classes would also be able to use it but WITH A PENALTY.

So let the rifleman, engineer, flamer, mortarman, tank hunter etc. class etc. all use StG/ARs in Enlisted just like in real life BUT with a PENALTY on fully automatic fire to give the Assaulter an advantage over all other classes in order to not make Assaulters redundant.

And let the squad light machine gunner also use the StG/ARs in Enlisted like in real life BUT with a PENALTY on semi automatic fire to give the Assaulter an advantage over all other classes in order to not make Assaulters redundant.

For example let the rifleman, engineer, flamer, mortarman, tank hunter etc. class have full accuracy with StG/ARs when firing on semi-automatic fire mode but a -10% accuracy when firing StG/ARs on fully automatic mode.

And let the squad light machine gunner class have full accuracy with StG/ARs when firing on fully automatic fire mode but a -10% accuracy when firing StG/ARs on semi automatic mode.

This way you would get more authentically equipped squads in Enlisted, unlike they currently are.

Currently for example basically every late war German squad in Enlisted will be equipped with the FG 42 and not the MkB 42, MP 43/1, MP43, MP44, StG 44. This is not authentic at all. The StG 44 and all its predecessors were mass produced and issued and used in the hundreds of thousands in WW2 and the FG 42 was produced in the thousands and almost exclusively issued to and used by Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger (English: Paratroopers).

So using the current “logic” in Enlisted the FG 42 has taken the place that the StG 44 and its predecessors had in real life and the StG 44 and its predecessors has taken the place that the FG 42 had in real life.

In other words Enlisted has implemented a solution that sees the EXACT OPPOSITE of how the FG 42 and StG 44 and its predecessors were used in WW2. The Enlisted developers could correct that situation by using the solution I described above and then this StG/AR engineer event would also not be needed and new players would not be at a disadvantage versus players that have these special event engineers with StG/ARs.

Sadly however, in Enlisted currently the FG 42 has become the general issue weapon of choice for all German squads and the StG 44 and its predecessors has become a limited issue specialist weapon only available to one class.

That is EXACTLY the opposite of what it was in real life.

The “logic” that Enlisted developers are using in this regard staggers the imagination.

The alternative approach that I describede above could set this right, but like many other good suggestions made by others on this forum the Enlisted developers will likely never implement it.

The “never use ideas that were not developed here” syndrome in action.

So in the current situation all new Enlisted (Steam) players will have no engineers with StG/ARs, and only those players that participate in this StG/AR engineer event will have them and the ones that bought the Stalingrad DLC.

Not very motivating for new Enlisted (Steam) players, to be faced by engineer squads armed with StG/ARs that they as new players will never be able to get.

Enlisted is increasingly becoming new player unfriendly as time goes by.

I can think of so many practical solutions to prevent this from happening.


According to your logic, the M1919A6 was also a mass-produced machine gun. So let’s give the M1919A6 to everyone, because what can happen. Of course, classes that were not machine gunners would have a penalty.

If you are dealing with historical accuracy in a cartridge caliber, the priority should be game balancing and historical accuracy has to take a back seat.

yea true but if enlisted is the only game i play (which it isnt) i would just do 20k day 1 and sleep the next day at least that what i do most of the time

If I sound frustrated, it is because I am. The update was teased for weeks, held a public beta test, then released in a state that is literally unplayable for me. Then, 5 hotfixes later, it is still indeed unplayable for me. I just experienced my 17th or so crash just about half an hour ago.


I think that people who complain about these tasks are playing because of FOMO and when there is no event, they don’t play.

It’s if I can :sweat_smile: my schedule is so busy if I can play 1hr I’m lucky. If I play 2hr a day, it’s luxury… that I’ll have to pay for, later :zipper_mouth_face:

I like having logic in my shooters. Smaller, less drag efficient bullet out of a shorter barrel? Less damage. Makes sense, right?

I don’t care if it realistically fits or not. I chose Enlisted because it’s an arcade and not a simulator. The game is presented as an arcade, I see no reason why the weapons cannot be changed like in call of duty.

When planes can be nerfed, so can weapons. I simply will not be in an unbalanced game, if someone steps on me, I will desert. And lately I’ve been deserting quite often on BR 5.0 because stacked groups are going against me and it’s unplayable.

Why would I stay and waste time in a game in which I know in the first minute that I will lose. I’ll leave and find another game.

Probably because it is not Call of Duty and that the game dev tries to keep a semblent of realism in the game as well as keeping some real features such as fire rate for instance ?

Don’t worry, I’m as frustrated as you are.


Filth. That’s as bad as saying “like in WT”
It’s funny really. You want made up and illogical gun stats. Meanwhile I want the stats to be as realistic as possible. I think it would be best to use one gun as a base, I say the Kar98k, and base all the rest off of that damage. Increasing and decreasing based on energy of the projectiles for their respective guns
Also, guns that use the same bullet and have similar velocities should do the same damage. Looking at you M1903 and M1 Garand

This train left a long time ago. Because no one enjoyed it and the reality of World War II was shit. And this game was never realistic or any other game because if you want a realistic game you have to consider numerical superiority. If we are to have realism, then with everything. Let the Germans have 2 Tigers, but let the Allies have 4 Shermans. There were also not as many Germans as the Allies. So yes, I agree let the Germans have realistic STG-44 and I will play with realistic Thompsons, but let there be 15 Americans against 10 Germans. Where is the realistic air superiority? You cannot balance a game where one side (Germany) went for quality and the other side (the Allies) went for quantity if the number of players on both sides is the same. It can not be.

I wrote above why the game cannot be balanced while maintaining historical accuracy if the number of players on both sides remains the same.