Reinforcements received: Assault engineers


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That doesn’t make sense. The Thompson fires .45 ACP. The StG fires an intermediate cartridge (too lazy to google a commie “metric” round right now)
The Thompson having the same damage as an StG would be retarded. It has less damage because the round it fires has less power

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Don’t forget about automatic rifles and Tokyo
Those full-power bullets and a rate of fire of 1200 will beat all the capitalists in front into a honeycomb.

Honestly i feel cheated. First they appease us saying they will bring them back, owners would get immediately. Now a week later! Cant say its due to player duplicates, 3 months been long enough time to figure that out no? Wallet closes.


Thanks for the heads up. Appreciate it.

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At least you guys can reimburse us paid players with exclusive portraits and ID decorators Immediately for the owners of the full access pack, just like the pacific one.

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I would happily accept the Lehr Decal.

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We need Lehr squad, not just decal!

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MKB 35 ? The gun that was taken away before anybody could realize it’s potential nice! Wish I could get some now lol


…it was classified as Assault rifle.

10.0 damage, 400ish rof and 20 round mag, right? It’s great just in the campaign system it was out shined by the BR 5 guns…



They wouldn’t happen to be the 2nd Marine Raider Battalion and the 7th Sasebo Special Naval Landing Force or a possible Japanese Naval Brigade unit, would they? It would be very disappointing not to see another USMC unit and a Japanese unit with true drip.


So, If I bought the SFAP I don’t have to do the event to get the squads, but if I don’t do the event, I miss out on Gold Orders … that doesn’t seem to me like I really have an option of not doing the event, if I want the Gold Orders. Could I recommend the following: If a SFAP owner completes the event: they get double the Gold Orders? (IE give us Gold Orders if we complete the event anyway if we own the SFAP).


That RIfle is already better than FG-42, double barrel MG is not that great since shots are bouncing all over the screen, Japan has no planes with rockets, Ho-RI’s armor is only amazing from the front, from the side or above you will get instantly destroyed - just a single M9 rocket is needed to make your tank go boom, you can’t drive away from rockets or bombs since you are so slow, that tank will only work against incompetent team or the one that dislike planes. America should get Super Pershing and M1944 Hyde Carbine as their AR

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im STILL constantly crashing, I don’t know why this mentions FSR2, im not using it and im not even playing on dx12

can you do me another favor and forward this to the developers? enlisted cant be crashing this much right before the steam release


They already did forward it. You’re not first one experiencing that.


So the Americans are supposed to be a German farm just so the power of the shot matches the damage. 99 percent of people don’t care about this and neither do I. Enlisted is a game and it’s meant to be played. And going with Thompson against STG-44 is pure masochism.


Honestly I was scared, because my game only crashed twice in 3 years (got good pc, eh)

Yesterday I crashed 7 times.

Started to fear my rig started breaking or something…


It was even reported before the event dropped. Yet, they have released it anyway.

They don’t really care about anything anymore.

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