Reinforcements received: Assault engineers

A cake in the shape of that machine gun could have been good

And how? After all, Americans and Russians did not fight each other. I also don’t like German weapons, so I play Italian and Czechoslovak. Allies are not only Americans.

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I honestly don’t much care anymore because when you play nothing but BR5 it’s its own little mad world

And since the Merge happen I’ve just been living in the purgatory which is BR5

No, I removed it myself :slight_smile:
It’s because I’m not sure I can show other ppl’s profile, even if they are permanently banned…

Didn’t want to take a chance :thinking:

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I play both American and German BR 5.0 and 2.0. 2.0 Japanese. But the American 5.0 is less and I will probably stop completely because it is not possible. Those who cared about the game left either for 2.0 or to play another nation because the allies are not good at 5.0.

They’re perfectly fine at BR5 it’s just a mass majority of the players don’t actually know what they’re doing and if you wanna play at that level you gotta give up the thought of actually having a nice relaxing match’

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Thompson drum magazine basic damage 6.8. STG-44 8.0. M2 carbine basic damage 7.3. FG-42-2 12. HVAR missiles can be compared with Wfr.Gr.21 nuclear missiles. Although there are fewer of them, they are much larger. M26 vs Tiger 2 is just a bad joke. Allies are really weak at 5.0.

Talking to you is pointless because you don’t even know what you’re talking about or how broken this game actually is.

So just find a video where a Parrot is squawking over and over and just put it on loop and just play it to yourself because I think you’ll get more out of that than you’re getting here

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It’s mainly about SMGs. If the Thompson had a base damage of 8 like the STG-44 has, it would be fine. And it wouldn’t even have to be the one with the drum magazine.

Yes the game is broken because I have to hit someone 6 times with Thompson to kill the German. You are right about this.

There is no cure for you

You are right that the game is broken. Write me in what. I’m listening.

Super disappointing about the Stalingrad access issue. I could maybe understand if Stalingrad players would only get issued a ticket once each squad was unlockable by everyone.

But to tell them they have to wait a week after the entire event is over, when it was initially said they’d get them instantly, is crappy.

Personally I will be just mostly taking a break from Enlisted during this event, I’m sure of course I’ll play a few games but no way I’m grinding out the event for things we were told we were already getting.

I do think team could maybe be handling these things a bit better.

Even “We are sorry but unfortunately we ran into issues and this is the only way we can do it” would be slightly better attempt then pulling the “well we never said it was a pinky promise” thing now.


I can’t remember if I have or not, but there’s a greater than 0% chance I’ve gotten into it with any helper, community leader, whatever fricking have you. I can think of one time I was giving one some smart a- responses, and I’ve insulted a couple over the whole console players being excluded entirely from testing, but other than those I can’t think of anything

Hey I think I have that one!

Mmmh insults are a big “No no”. Idk if you knew her (or him… ewwww!!!) But @Younique at some point just… went on a rampage and insulted devs, mods, staff… directly. I don’t even recall why.

She was perma banned the very day.

lol. And who was this again? I don’t seem to recall. Thankfully, I barely say anything around here as is. Discord is my poison. Thought the devs seemingly ignored the trash mouthed ones.

Well I ain’t been banned yet somehow. Lol. I definitely didn’t hold back on how infuriated I was that we had absolutely no say in the future of the game while the pampered PC players got to experience it and provide feedback
Plus, TO THIS DAY I have never gotten a single person on ANYTHING nor ANYWHERE to acknowledge the problem. No matter who I reply to with the question be it James, Keofox, another developer I DM’ed once to try and get a response. No one will even give me the time of day the moment I bring it up. Honestly at this point it’s kinda funny. I know they’ll never acknowledge it at this point, and with every “new update testing!” I’ll bring it up again. Just to watch them ignore it and prove that we are just second class gamers in their eyes

I really am a petty piece of garbage, but hey, what’s a second class gamer to do? Lol

okie dokie

Oh the BAR crusader dude?