Reinforcements received: Assault engineers

I’m not gonna be banned unless I actually break some rules so I’m just using my free speech

And if you think I’m such a problem just wait till we get to steam

:parrot: :parrot: :parrot: :parrot: :parrot: :parrot:

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Freedom of expression is guaranteed by the state. Here you are on a forum that someone owns and the owner of the forum can ban you whatever he wants.

@SexyTent take out the pan, the bird must be silenced

If he’s gonna ban me he should do it but do keep in mind it’s only gonna get worse on steam

That was really powerful then. Wish Enlisted would allow all engineers to use StG/ARs.

Did players which bought the Stalingrad DLC lose all their Stalingrad campaign engineers that were able to use StG/ARs when the vaunted “rework of 2023” was rolled out? Or do they still have those StG/ARs engineers?

Steam players will curse that the allies are weak, which they are. The Allies are the weakest nation on BR.5, which is quite a paradox since in real life they decided the war. HVARs are weak, 500kg Japanese bomb is much better. Not even the M26 can compare with the fantasy HO-RI that shoots nuclear 105 mm shells.

The Japanese never belonged at BR5 it should have stayed a starter faction and you’re not actually trying to break the game so you don’t know what you’re talking about

If you have a friend who plays Americans, try playing for them.

OH wow Joe’s post was deleted that was fast mods

Well, another promise that couldn’t be kept. Big mouths are not good for reviews…

The Gold orders and Gold etc. feels like a compensation after getting 4 bi week prizes of x3000 silver shitty coins.

I’d rather butcher Americans instead of playing them so bring on the Soviet campaign where the Americans and Soviets are fighting to the death

I didn’t even see it So Joe if you could send that through private DM I’d appreciate it


Someone who likes Bars more than FGs and got banned

That’s because he let his emotions take over him instead of just focusing on the conversation

The Japanese have a weapon similar to the FG-42, a double-barreled machine gun, a perfect CAS and a bunker that shoots mini atomic bombs. The Americans have an M2 carbine with which you can’t hit anything beyond 30 meters, a Thompson that sometimes needs 6 hits to kill someone, and a heavy machine gun that is so slow that it is inedible. Really try to play it.

I’m not even gonna try to explain to you anymore now

:fork_and_knife: yum


We didn’t lose them. But the engineers lost ability to use ARs. They are pretty much normal engineers now.

That explains why you want the Americans to remain a pve game for Germany.

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no but it might be better just to delete the Germans and let the Americans and Soviets fight it out