Reinforcements received: Assault engineers

Honestly the Garand should be BR I, but that’s just historical accuracy
Also the M1 Carbine has the same TTK as a pistol

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And those new players can do exactly that. Work hard for a few matches, get Engies, abuse rally points, max out first tab, use ES to upgrade bit by bit as desired

I’m happy about the event, very generous.

Do you plan to make body armor work more precisely in the future, like the armor on vehicles (with calculation of the angle of bullet hit and armor thickness, maybe deducting 1 damage point per 1 penetrated milimeter of armor) instead of just applying percentage of damage reduction in some area?
That would be a lovely change.

:eyes: :eyes: where did you get that?

From the almighty Erica and her archiving work

All Germany Clothings IDs name - Game Mods - Enlisted

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there’s an updated version that i actually update from time to time :slight_smile:

that one, that you linked, is old.

worth ed to mention that the armor that posted is no longer wearable.

but it’s still present in the “game”.
( and can be made wearable if wanted in a couple of clicks / code )

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thanks. I just read there that this helmet with metal face cover is from Cuisine Royale, not necessarily historical, but maybe I just haven’t seen photos of this particular item

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Nice job Erica on archiving more stuff keep up the good work

:parrot: :yellow_heart:


yes. it’s from crsed.

one of the left over assets.

but still great for ww1 mods. ( even though, not many people use them to begin with )

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there’s so much great stuff in there it’s just unfortunate we don’t have anyone trying to start a machinima because this stuff will be great for it

i made few attempts.

but it’s generally a headache, and not really worthed the effort.

because it’s both clucnky, you don’t get full access to animation / bones manipulation, and worse, it requries huge time.

even more than making mods.

and since i kinda have to work for living, don’t have much time to make mods either.

but, one step at a time, anything can be possible.

the jolly is, as long you have a patient davendder lurking around and be willing to help.

i swear, that guy is the nicest human being i have ever whitenessed.

always kind, willing to help, and not a single time he let anyone down.

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You do not need animations if you’ve seen red versus blue and all we actually just need is a script and the scenery and cosmetics and then everything set

well, just like sourche filmakers ( which red versus blue was made with ) you absolutely do.

otherwise things will look janky and not much to work with.

let alone cameras being so clunky.
( that is current ones )

if only we could get access to what the advertisement team has, we could make wonders.

but still.

a job that someone else will have to

Can i use this squad on low br?

I’m talking about red versus blue in Halo one when things were very bare bone

And even your ship you made before in the past we can get a little episode out of that when it’s just talking about supplies and logistics and we’re just sitting on a boat


i thought you were talking about that tf2 cinematic

well, you need coordination for that.

and i don’t.

i kind lack patience, and don’t know lot of people anyway.

it’s fine.

i’ll let that do to the CC ( which aren’t doing lmao )

that’s actually being used for a police themed mod.

problem is, AI don’t move.

so it’s boring.

but i’m figuring things out thanks to other fellow modders.

should be usable with semis and bolts

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Yes, but low BR assault rifles are very rare and currently not available.
So you’ll have to use them with classic rifles.


its fine, thanks for the info man

Speaking of ARs can we get a buff for the STG45 (450 ROF which is lower than MP40 at BR2) i haven’t really used that squad in a long time since Kiraly 43M or free Assaulter squads are way better, hell even MG42 Early and Polish BAR can work better than that thing. If you don’t want to increase ROF could you at least buff it’s dmg to be something in between of STG44 and Fedorov.