Reinforcements at the Invasion of Normandy

Joke or not, it will be something different instead of another tanks making all previous ones obsolete.

How is any German tank in Moscow campaign better? Turret turns so slowly that you have to rely on correcting your aim with turning the tank. God forbid you turn your side to the enemy tank…

Peak German-main Obliviousness.

Every German tank in Moscow except maybe the Panzer IV traverses faster than every Russian tank.

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Tanks have MMGs in their turrets this thing won’t even have useable MMG.
And turret is good thing to have even if it move slow.

Sry, I didn’t understand this, please elaborate.

Early versions of Stug didn’t have MG. Both Stug 3G and Jagdpanzer4 have MG. Google is free, can’t you check if you are not sure before claiming something?


That German mains are so oblivious to how other equipment performs that they make up disadvantages they don’t have, like making up a turret traverse disadvantage

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I again don’t get it. Would it be better if I used Soviet tanks and Soviet assault guns as an example?

I was giving you an example on how assault guns could work, and you are deviating from subject. I never ever made up any German or any other disadvantages.

There’s a number of people on this forum where if anything german gets talked about, their only response is “oh wow german main, stfu, germany OP haha naziboo”, even when it’s really not the case.

Anyway, back to the topic, I haven’t cared enough to check russian vs german turret traverse since I’m usually aimed in the correct place anyway, but we should have this information available on the stat cards so it can be checked which one turns faster.

I don’t think chaffee was ever used in France

It’s a late, very late war tank

Might as well add Maus to Normandy and Tiger to Moscow


DO NOT ATTACK SOMEONE/TALK TO THEM THIS WAY WHEN YOU ARE WRONG you will get yourself into just insult fights and stuff like this.

First let’s check what I said mister “history buff” (just gonna say I am not history buff I am just interested in tanks and a WT player)

I said that the jagdpanzer IV won’t have USEABLE MG, never said that it doesn’t have MG just that it won’t have USEABLE ONE.

Now let’s look on the jagdpanzer IV in WT, the place where you can access Enlisteds models and vehicles.

Most hull MGs in WT aren’t modeled into the game so you can’t use them.

Let’s test drive the jagdpanzer IV, oh the hull MG is useless-able on this one great!

Let’s look on inside of the tank now, oh no the one shooting the MMG ISN’T THE GUNNER ITS THE LOADER and because well you play as the Gunner inside the tank you won’t be “capable” of using the MG alright?

And I am not even history buff, I just check stuff before I talk (most times I am also wrong a lot of times…)

That and also something else, probably pride. If someone faces me with facts that prove me I am wrong, I will admit it and will not try to deviate from the subject “oh german fanboy, stfu and so on…”

We have it:

Why PZ IIIB then? That tank was deemed as obsolete and was out of service before operation Barbarossa began.


There’s a huge difference between slow traverse and a hard limit on the angle you can traverse to, especially in Normandy

Language barrier is a shitty thing, I misread, my apologies. Thought you said they don’t have MG-s.

And these MG-s can not be added to the models? We should insist they add these, if not now, then in the future.

If tank has an working MG in a turret than its hull MG is not a priority. If most produced Axis assault gun only has one not working MG and this stops it from being implemented, then the devs are just lazy.

You are incorrect about the loader. Who am I controlling now? How is it shooting?

There’s difference, you can use the main two positions of the tank without being in them because they are the main functions of the tank.

Same reason you can’t use the roof MG on the sherman when you are in the gunner position or driver they roof MG isn’t main function.

For example the hezer you can drive and shoot the gun but you can’t use the MG that was used from the inside IRL because it was used by different crew member (again loader).

And yes hull MG models can be added but it will take a lot of work for something (let’s be real) pretty useless.

There is also a huge difference between traverse of 4.7 and 13.6 :rofl: But, never mind. They should be added and we should be able to choose to use them or tanks. Someone will prefer one, someone other.

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This one is probably because Hetzer isn’t finished yet, so they didn’t implement difference between it’s MG and roof MGs of other tanks.

I think there is a different explanation. You cant use the roof MG because your tank commander is not peaking out of the hatch and manning that gun. When you switch to gunner view, you commander automatically gets in and closes the hatch. That gun is not remotely controlled.

Not being able to shoot the MG that the loader is Remotely controlling, from the gaming perspective or programming one doesn’t have any sense.

Another problem is that they don’t have Stug 3G with remote gun modeled. They only have the older version with man controlled one. :expressionless:

I ill probably just get the premium pz3. The remaining stuff I pass. Normal pz3 it’s a blast to play with. And since I have the option to bring 10 squads, 3 tanks seams like an option.
If I die to a jumbo I couldn’t care less lol.

Nothing a fg42 can do right now with large ammo pouches.

Хотелось бы поиграть пехотой, а тут самолёты да танки суют, арты что ли мало, или миномётов? Поимому с этим перебор. Пехота отходит на 2-ой план. Походу делают 2-ой Вар Тандэр. Посмотрю что дальше, Прем кончится и на…р отсюда.