Regular troopers shouldn't have full-auto weapons

there not absurd u just suck man learn to play every thing has a counter u just have to use it
use all the tools in your tool box don’t limit what u can use the more tools at your disposal the better off u will be

feel free to share the player counts of different campaigns.

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Das ist genau was ich vermute.Laut zu sprechen, bedeutet das nicht, dass sie jeden vertreten können. :rofl:

Well, nobody would tick for example “Normandy” just because the map design.

Its exactly what I expected. DF promoted the game to the “CoD” (or BF, or whatever) audience (just look at the kill feed in Normandy. So many automatic kills). Like a month ago I watched my favourite streamer playing BFV. One day later he streamed Enlisted.

I started the game and since then I have 98-99% playtime only in Normandy. I love it. My friends also just playing Normandy, same reason.

And thats why DF should introduce two different modes. Like I already explained above.

No problem :slight_smile: I learned english (we have to anyways) and its still crap haha

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When everyone disagrees with you so you result to name calling and calling everyone who disagrees bad and that they suck. Go back to Fortnite.

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If you want so much to play with only automatic weapons, I recommend playing Battlefield One or Battlefield 5. Those games are build around auto weapons, put gameplay above historical accuracy and even WW1 there is full of different automatic weapons.

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never played it but i cant help they suck and cant deal with full atuos its skill issue learn how to defeat them there super easy kill

Devs know more people like Normandie. And most players just don’t speak aloud like some of you in the forum. But it doesn’t mean you can represent everyone. After FG42 come into Berlin, it’s would sooner or later the problem that you leave, or most playerbase leave. I think the answer is obvious.

Yes true, but it doesn’t matter. Full auto is a different type of game. It’s not an WW2 or WW1 game, it would be just a “dressing” like in Battlefield or Heroes and Generals. Large amount of auto weapons leads to a different dynamics. Most people here, don’t want that kind of dynamics. As simple as that.


Not really. As CAT and CBT players who payed may demand a refund because of false advertising.

why do i have to go some where else? why dont u leave and quit excepting the devs to carter to the germans so u can play ur sniper sim and bush camping sim so yea u suck. if u dont learn all the weapons like i have u are going to have trouble in enlisted

not true over half want autos weapon ur in the small percentage that’s want simper sim


Let me quote:

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From where do you have those stats?

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its not false advertising they stated its over the year not in months no refund
but if they limit guns ill ask for refund for screwing me out of how i want to play

i haven’t seen any that u posted

And thats why the game should get 2 different modes. Like I already said several times. One arcarde mode for the players which love the game how its right now, and a Realistic Mode for the players who want to play historical. This is the easiest solution for both sides.

The most people I know love the dynamic right now. So yeah, not a easy decision for DF to do something right in this case.

Because this game is not advertised as "run and gun shooter in a WW2 setting?. Because I didn’t came here to play another Battlefield. You clearly did.
Didn’t learn all weapons? I have most of the stuff unlocked, the hell are you talking about? You have no idea how I play so just don’t comment about that.

But still cannot understand why so many of you have such a hate against a semi-auto with CQC(means: within 50m) capability(I assumed you already own it). It’s not an assult rifle due to its insane recoil. If it’s OP it only means this game is too CQC oriented. Then even on this point this game is not realistic. Real fight never concentret on CQC(here: within 50m) unless you are in a city. You should be able to guess that there would be FG42 after trying its maps. They are too small.