Regular troopers shouldn't have full-auto weapons

and yes u need to get good or play a plane like all the other low skill players so u can get kills

So the whole european front used M2 as the main infantry weapon? I have to watch that movie, sounds like good historical-fiction.

This is arcade game at the best, historical accuracy stops around modeling & names.
Besides Fun > anything IRL historical related.

Irrelevant in this disscussion. We are not disscussing those weapons stats, but their overuse.

Yeah, and US didn’t have any tanks on the first waves of landings in Normandy. Let me tell you something: you have protection from artillery thanks to the grey zone too.

I don’t even know how you consider that argument relevant. US can get into the exact same buliding and become invisible too if that matter to you so much. But it changes nothing in discussion about M2 and FG42

And again, you somehow think that someone here wants to take the guns only from US and that is big missinformation coming from you. BOTH M2 and FG should be limited. This change would affect both sides equally, and hey, US would even profit more because there would not be whole armies of Germans armed with basically LMGs running around.

Still - Pacific is pretty far from Normandy as far as I’m aware. And calling me a liar is a bit too much don’t you think? That would rather fit to the devs in that case for falsely advertising Enlisted as historically accurate game.

That’s funny. But I will give an advice - stop assuming things about people you know nothing about. It would be better for everyone.

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The game was advertised as historical and should at least try to be. And I don’t see why the game can’t be both historical and fun.
Also that post was mainly to show how poorly constructed are his “arguments”.


Moving FG’s to Assault class only would mean you could still use it when ever you want, but that would mean you use both assault squads.

All i am saying is that if you want to use the BEST guns every respawn, then you also should have less soldiers in your squad.

All i would like to see is promotion to use historical accurate units, thats all.

1.ur picking and choosing is my point there’s more wrong with inaccuracies than bout overuse of guns. but that’s all u care about cause u contend against them so u whine and whine it wouldnt since they nerfed the m1 germans will have advantage period like always
what about historical accuracies when it come to ammo shortage u should have less ammo than usa um the list goes on smaller amount of planes and tanks drawback of being good there super expensive u only care about stomping people thats why u want to limit every thing to make people play ur way not there own
quit limiting the guns and fix maps force them to the grand not fullatuos due to range not limits on squads u guys are so backwards and whinny it blows my mind

Exactly. Right know we are in the situation where all WH soldiers can carry FG-42 but not actual FJ (except one mortar squad, that is FJ squad) and real FJ premium squad is locked with Gewehrs 41.

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The game itsself was advertised as historical, yes. But for some reason they promoted the game to the wrong audience lol.

I am still in favor of introducing 2 different modes. One Arcarde, like how it is right now. And the other mode called Realistic (Historical). Like in War Thunder for example.

Of course you split the player base but if you limit the automatic rifles in amount or to a class, people will leave the game. If DF dont do it, people will leave the game.
But you can attract even more people to play this game. Because they can choose how they wanna play the game. Easiest solution, everybody happy.

Well judgin the playercount of lets say HLL, post scriptum and fog of war. It isnt.

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Judging by the Moscow campaign, it is.

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fix the damn maps they would have to use something else due to the range at witch the engagement happens easy fix but all u whinny people just remove, limit , dont fix the problem remove it…planes are ok to repeat bomb every one. but the m2,fg42 is bad!!! cry cry cry cry seriously get good quit whinning

You did pick and choose too. Of course there are, but they are slighter and therefore more acceptable. Squads with full auto ahistorical weapons are too much.

FG42 is stronger than M2 and we want it limited in the exact same way. US would profit more from the limited number of FGs than Germany from limited numbers of M2s

The only person who seems to be “whining” here is you, sir. We are all giving you arguments supported by historical facts and screens from official Enlisted page. And you keep saying things like “get good” etc. Just because that change would take your absurd toys from you.


bad argument.


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It’s from before or after the OBT started?

It says “vor 1 Tag”. The youtuber posted it 1 day ago in his community tab.
Source: Quadro - YouTube

not really there not an issue if u have skill there nothing just a gun if u kill them first how do they shoot u its not the guns fault its good. if u suck it shows with the use of a fullatuo just saying i dont get killed by the fg 42 much i see it long range trumps the machine guns easy kill cant shoot back at afar enough distance so we wouldnt get any boost by not having them only sniper sim which i will not play
and by the way ur picking and choosing not me limit guns but everything else is fine blah blah

It would be nice if there was also an option to elaborate why Normandy is the favorite for that particular community. Maybe its not necesarily because of overuse of full auto weapons but other reasons.

Oh, sorry. I’ve learned german only for a year and I don’t remember anything.

Tbh I’m suprised by the result. I saw quite a few people saying that moscow is better and I also had better time playing it.