Regular troopers shouldn't have full-auto weapons

lmfao named and shamed.

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no there counter is sniper or bolt actions if u sit back u cant hit them at large distances they cant even get close enough to use the smg or m2 why do you want to limit the gameplay so the germans just keep stomping with bolts i will quit playing if u limit gun more than they are already im so tired of playing with semi and bolts i scrapped every one only 7 m1 grands survived and if they force u play a certain way it will kill the game shortly as all u will have is germans playing against a bot for usa. i leveled up to use these weapons and i expect to be able to choose which takes what with what gun i want.
this boils down to a skill issue plain and simple

But you know that US also has BA rifles and can use them to fight germans?

yes but im not using level 1 stuff when i have a grand just saying i dont want to play bolt actions so if u dont want to use them dont. but dont limit those who want automatic i leveled all the way to thompson and m2 just so i could get away from ba i hate them and if they change this im done will get refund

It’s like complaining that you can’t destroy a tank because you don’t like using explosion packs.

Then poor you. The game is about ww2 and guess what was the main type of infantry weapon during it - bolt action rifles.


well ur partialy right except each nation was different so
bolts for germany
m1 grands for usa
soviets used mixed bolts with semis

this all boils down to a skill issue u need to get good seriously quit telling others how they should play because u don’t like it boo hoo if u want to use bolt use them but quit whinning cause ur skill level suck

I don’t see full auto weapons on this list, coincidence?

“Equiping whole Red Army with full auto rifles is not historical”
“SkilL IssUe” Really?

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But noone here is talking about taking all your Garands from you. That’s fine.
Problem is with M2 and FG42 that both ruin the whole puropse of classes and are completely unaccurate.
First one was introduced in October 1944 in small numbers, but overall production started in 1945. Other than that it was used mostly on Pacific, with limited use in Europe.
Second one was very rare gun produced only for Fallschirmjaeger, just as the name says. But for whatever reason devs decided to put it in hands of every damn WH soldier in the Normandy.

So if you like automatics, fine. There are squads for that, full of Assaulters and Gunners. You can play like you want, with only Thompsons and Garands. But it is not right that regular troopers get such weapons as M2 and FG without any real justification.


why does it have to be historical its about fun and balance. and they still used them thou so u can cry like babies all u want its a skill issue get good and quit crying seriously if u cant mange to out due a full atuo thats on u man but i should have the choice of what i take in to battle not u or any other whinner out there

“[…] and is careful with details”

So take SMG squad, not rifleman squad.


Because the game advertises itself as historically accurate?

@VoyoMayPL - this screenshot should do the job even better:
2021-06-08 19_41_46-Enlisted i jeszcze 2 strony — Osobisty — Microsoft​ Edge


what do u mean no justification no its to give most classes a gun every one can find a use for. why do u want to limit the options we have in game. and offers more benifits to the germans so much more than every one else. why limit every one esle for the sake of just germany this is just bs quit whinning get good

I’ll download this one for future use.

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H O W ???

FG will also be limited, not only M2!!!

having an m2 is being accurate they used them in the war so saying its not accurate is wrong

So let me equip everybody with MG42.

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WhErEs MuH M16 iN nOrMaNdY?

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None of those guns were used in such manner like they are in Enlisted:

M2 - wasn’t even in Normandy, first prototypes saw cambat much later in 1944 and was used mosty on Pacific. In Europe it was used in LIMITED NUMBERS during Allied push through the Germany.

FG-32 - very rare, used only by FJ, not whole Wehrmacht

This is what I mean by no justification. There was no reason to introduce those guns like devs did it.

Not in Normandy. In hypothetical Pacific campaign - sure, why not. But not in Normandy and not on every soldier. This is basically SMG that can be put on every trooper. Carrying SMGs is the puropose of Assaulter class.

You keep saying that like if someone would call for nerf of those guns because they are OP. Thery are not. They are just absurdly historically unaccurate and should be limited because of that and the whole class system that devs themselfs decided to build the whole game upon.

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then u have never used used the m2 it takes 4 shots to kill a downed person
Germans shrug off m1 fire like there marsh mellows and they get grey area protection from arty
and if were going historical they didnt have enough planes to repeat bomb like the germans do there guns got worse as the war went on not better like enlisted
oh dont forget germans are invisible in 2/3 of the building in Normandy beacuse of the lighting issue
and the dev stated it by year not months so it not going to exact like the real thing
get over it the m2 saw combat in 44 u are a lair sir