Regular troopers shouldn't have full-auto weapons

Go back to COD if you want everyone running around spraying blindly.


Normandy is absolutly fun for me lol (except this bomber spam and the new arty HE buff). Totally casual chaos. Im playing Alllies and Axis and have no problems with this automatic rifles.

@8383908 “Go back to CoD if you want everyone running around spraying blindly”. This argument is completly bs. I watched my favourit streamer. He normaly play games like BFV, CoD etc. And he played this game during a sponsorship with DF/Gaijin (there were many sponsorships with streamers in germany. Said that already). Thats how I get to this game. How stupid is it to advertise the game with such a streamer. That’s exactly what attracts these “spraying blindly” people. Many of them. Would they go back play CoD etc now, the playerbase of Enlisted would be a lot smaller. Which doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing (from a marketing point of view it is of course bad lol). But Gaijin / DF must have thought something when they attract such people. Or maybe not.

A other solution could be a game mode (for example ranked/historical match or however you wanna call it). If you want to play a way more tactical and slower, you can play this game mode where several weapons are restricted. Maybe some other features or things like 25% more XP or something like that.

Of course you are splitting the player base. But which such a solution everyone can play what he wants (and you can get for both sides new players). This is now another thread where the opinion is completely divided.

Which I also did not understand exactly … what is the suggestion on your part? Limit the weapons to certain classes or their general number?

EDIT: sry for my english. Had to edit it several times because my english is not that great xD


Exactly one of the biggest problems with using Twitch as a promotional tool.
Streamers are scum.


This has been my suggestion for the FG-42 and M2 since i found out about them tbh.
Jumbo should be outright swapped to a different model.
I don’t have an issue with full autos themselves, it’s that it is very unrealistic and that is what the game is marketed as.

I’m glad you enjoy it, it’s just not our cup of tea.

Yeah also fuck streamers.


Thats how I got to this game, many of my friends too. And other german people I know from Discord too. DF / Gaijin had btw also sponsorships with german Rainbow Six Siege streamers lol. 2 completly different games.

And thats the big problem now. “2 completly different playerbases”. Idk how to explain that. One side the “CoD” (why always CoD lol xD) spray praying guys and on the other side the “more realistic gameplay players”.

The best solution in my opinion would be such special game modes where you can decide your play style. Both sides are happy. You can get for both sides new players. Done. No more crying from both sides. The first problem I would think of would be the current not so large player base. Or we don’t really know how big the player base is. With such game modes, there could of course be longer waiting times. Maybe.

Or DF / Gaijin should decide now what they want to make. “Realistic” game or pew pew spray pray. Right now we have a mix which is irritating (in my opinion).

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I literally just got out of a game of Le Bre (Conquest) where a dude was jumping off the walls like Spiderman and was incredibly good with a SMG. I finally had to use a flame thrower and to dislodge the guy and it was a constant battle where he darn near got the best of me 80% of the time.

I’m running around with the M3, M2, BAR, and Garand. I personally think about this old warrior…

You guys want people not to use Autofire weapons in these scenarios? Maybe just chill away from the cap and hope for a clean shot while the tickets count down? This might explain why getting people to rush caps is like pulling teeth sometimes.

Spray and pray isn’t wanted here? Are we even playing the same game?

why should i go some where else ur the ones that want special treatment limit this limit that
its to hard blah blah quit whining play the game if u dont like the way its going feel free to exit left and never come back we dont anymore stupid whinny babies.

except u divide the player base even more longer que times more bots in a match of uneven teams list can go on

yes fuck streamers

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Your meltdown is making my argument for me.


Sorry what? My english not that great and even my translator (no, its not Google haha) cant translate this bruh.

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my ai dont do shit your the bush camper that hides in the grey zone and then spams planes so u cant die easily how is using full atuo a crutch so sitting back sniping not playing the objectives and bush camping while u spawn camp is fun to u. u dont shit on anyone lets be honest here. only way u shit on anyone is with aplane then u act tough like u did something good. if u want a sniper sim go some where else its that simple we dont need more bush campers that just snipe

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what melt down u guys keep cry like pussies balance balance limit this i cant deal booo hooo get gud go some where else

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Guys I think its enough xD

Lets make a conclusion. We have a few suggestions for this problem (and we dont know if DF even cares about this suggestions). We have again (like in many other such topics) a “internet brawl” between some users.
Nothing changed. See ya in the next thread about full-auto weapons? xD

Quick reminder that a timeout is quickly spoken out.


Try Moscow.
You can try to run and gun there if you want to waste tickets. The maps are more open, with very little foliage. There are plenty of places to setup an MG or a sniper position, instead of rushing them into cap. Then you have tanks that work as mobile support bunkers that can help pushing. Most maps don’t allow a full flank - meaning the enemy is not going to camp you from the flank right when you get off the spawn. The cqb is limited to few maps. There are no automatic weapons besides smg and mg. Somehow all that works very well.
Mostly its just a different map design, maps are more flat and more open. Larger distance between points. Overall Moscow maps are better polished, you rarely have this nonsense where zone border and cap zone is just 20 meters apart as it is on some Normady maps.

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I’m not sure what kind of matches you’re getting where EVERYONE is running around with M2s

That’s so weird. I’m lvl 13 in Moscow and thought it was more CQB with all the large buildings and large trench networks. I can only think of one map that had a pretty large open ground and was an assault map on one spot, the rest all had paths to shorten the engagement distance. It’s the reason I don’t like it as I felt the weapons weren’t really suited for the environment.

I feel Normandy is more open; although, all the campaign’s small objective meta force knife fights for the most part to win.

M2 is bad but it can be buffed so my answer is: “I don’t see them, YET”

Yes the purpose of classes NEEDS to be there to limit full auto guns.

Like I dont even understand why ANYONE would be against the Idea of moving one-hit-kill-auto-guns to the assault and gunner class.

players would STILL be able to run full auto guns every single match always, while it would buff the regular rifle squads by having more soldiers in your squad.

This is called balance.