Regular troopers shouldn't have full-auto weapons

You’re proving his point quite well there

:joy: :rofl:

this is how it starts is people like u who cant contend with them so u whine to get changed and they are limited just not for germans teams

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Could you repeat that in english please?




lol thats funny but nah i like full atuo i have with enough shitty bolts and semis i dont want to play them anymore

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I feel some long for a game with bad tactics and people that don’t know any better.

I’ll take this squad please…



what are you the punctuation nazi

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I would prefer it if the guns are just getting nerfed. People will just play with 2x MG or MP squads (I would do the same haha). Yeah they have maybe 4 guys less with automatic rifles in their squad… but its not a great solution. Im totally fine with a nerf but not with a limiting.

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That’s probably good setting for you.


Ja, toll.

No. They dont need a nerf to the guns. They need a nerf to how MANY there are.


no just no leave it alone they need to remove or nerf planes first before guns

->combined arms game
->bro dont take away my pacifier crutches!
->t-they need to take out the combined arms part!


its not unplayable u have a bunch of sissys that think they should stomp the other side and the germans are fat lazy and complacent. now thats its getting harder and more people leveling they start whinning that limit the guns i cant deal bohoboho

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dude ur so but hurt that u cant contend with atuomatic riffles why dont u get good and quit whinning

How am I butthurt? I never said I cant handle them?


We just dont have a campaign or objectives that play into long range accurate fire for the most part. We have capture or defend small points with engagements predominantly under 100 meters.

Hopefully Tunisia has longer engagement ranges, with bigger capture points, where we will see players gravitating to more accurate long range fire.


its only unplayable in your opinion. it means dofus each side thinks they should win quit catering to both sides if the germans get fullatuos so do every one else and if u set up your squads wrong thats your issue cause i set mine up with what helps me the most and to to be jack of all trades cause relying on whinny people like in this thread is why u suck and cant contend with full atuos. i should have the choice of what i take in to battle not to limit the choices if u want a dead game sniper sim with just bolts nothing else sounds lame as hell

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How about neither get full autos handed out like candy? Problem solved


Dude, I think its dogshit how both sides get full autos across the board because that’s not realistic at all.
This isn’t battlefield

Yeah because the AI positively aimbots with MGs
Liike I said before
You’re bad and you want your shitter crutch

I run full rifle squads and continually shit on people in all three squads, so that isn’t the issue at all.

You have a choice, you just want your crutch so your AI will slaughter people

I like this bullshit logic “I-if you don’t cater to me I’ll…I’ll LEAVE and your game will be DEAD”
No one gives a fuck if you leave
You’re here belly aching about someting supremely unbalanced for both sides while acting like a big tough man when it’s clear as day that you just want to run around on a point and spray adventure in battlefield or cod