Regular troopers shouldn't have full-auto weapons

Well thankfully, the Enlisted team doesn’t seem to share your beliefs. The campaigns are quite different, different unit class restrictions, weapons, progression, and terrain.

Variety is the spice of life.

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Yes it is. But it doesn’t have to be annoying.

For example I wanted to play MG 42 so I had to play Normandy. But it turned out that there aren’t that many good places to play with MG (I mean proper play with MG, not the hip fire CQC crap that is the meta).

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The MPs are great in moscow
I’ve seen you play
You only know how to play like scum with the MG34 to get by and in any other engagement I split your wig until we won


Actually thank you for a normal discussion.
You haven’t insulted me even once :smile:

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It was Reichs Chancellory
Caught you constantly dropshotting with the MG-34 and getting your ass reamed whenever you were armed with something other than the MG-34

What’s your nickname in game

The forum uses our in game names, dude

Fully agree. Automatic weapons should have their specific role with specific units and limited amounts. Troopers armed with automatic weapon only harms the game.


it would kill the game i would demand my money back the 25 i spent in the first week and waited to spend on better guns no premium, no premium squads, no paying battle task…only guns if u limit those. the game will die and so many of my friends quit playing beacuse of the long as hell wait to grind out a thompson and other weapons thats any good

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wrong it hurts german team the most… i get tired of playing bolts and semi so i had to grind all the way to spot to get those guns i expect to be able to use them then they should remove the german ones fg 42 and the germans are the ones totally abusing this every gun they get is almost atuomatic so start with them

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And this is why gaming is so shit now. People DEMANDING they get advantages with their money or else they quit and “game will die”

Sod off.


Reminder they wouldn’t even be removing the guns, just allowing only a certain class(s) to use them



Just stop playing the game


you the one crying like a baby i cant contend with full atuo boooo hoooo booo hooooo
im so bad i need them to cater to me cause i cant deal with the atuo spam so stfu quit being a bitch its not a crutch i prefer atuomatics so blow me dude its all prefence if u dont like atuomatics dont use them so quit forcing stupid shit on the community

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no just no its bad enough already

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->Mention that full auto guns need to be locked to certain squad members, NOT handed out like candy


i dont demand advantages the germans have all the advantage in every campaign better guns better spawns better every thing and when in doors there invisible or in a shadow then u whine about me paying to support them i just bought the guns for 90 e coins instead of paying for premium i like the guns

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And the guns would still be useable by a class that isn’t troopers across the board.
You’re screeching and shitting about like they’re deleting them from the game.


Poor little boy wants his AR crutch
How I pity thee

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No bro he needs it. Its both his pacifier AND his crutch. All taped together just for him

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