Regular troopers shouldn't have full-auto weapons

Lets suppose they would limit the automatic weapons drastically and only BA weapons are regular weapons, wouldn’t that kill the playerbase of Enlisted?
And then I would ask myself why DF did sponsoring (can only say it from the german community) with streamers which normaly playing Rainbow Six Siege, Battlefield V, CoD etc. Games which are typical casual shooter games.
Most of the players I know (including myself) just started playing the game because it looks similar to Battlefield V or H&G, for example. And I think that’s the audience that DF/Gaijin wanted to address with the sponsoring (because its a bigger audience). Otherwise, I don’t really see any point in why DF sponsored such streamers (“popular” ones in germany).
Maybe it was also just a thing in the german streamer community. I dont watch many english streams or videos.

Correct me if I’m worng but there was no FG in Moscow. So your point is invalid.
And in berlin you can have Stg that can kill comies before they can get into effective range of PPSh.
Also I main germans so you can stop accusing me of nerfing germ weapons.


I honestly don’t see all the complaints on the M2. It’s not really a good weapon IMHO and I find any of the US SMG’s far superior.

The only reason I’m using it now is for some odd reason a normal soldier can’t figure out how to use a SMG.

Like the MG-42, it’s in the name that is wasn’t.

Mostly out of principle to align with the FG

Also semi-auto.
And I don’t think that it will kill the enlisted because you run with BA rifles all the time untill you unlock FG, M2, AVS.
Also if somebody expect to have full auto weapon in the ww2 game that is described as “realistic” (if that’s how it is or not is a separate discussion), then he has no idea about ww2 and it’s his fault he feels that game sucks because of lack of auto weapons.


It’s a placeholder (I hope).
And FG is finished (or at least close to be finished).

The whole purpose of classes was supposed to limit full auto weapons. But what’s the point of SMG or LMG class when you can arm for example all troopers in 9 soldier squad with M2s or FG42s.


Are you aware that there is a whole campaign where only automatic weapons are SMG and MG? :smiley:
That campaign was created first and so far, the best, most balanced, most fun campaign.

The game looks similar to many WW2 shooter games and most of them do not have an auto rifle on every soldier. BF5 is an abomination of historical plausibility and H&G is just an arcade troll the noobs game.


/looks at my 2 LMG and 2 SMG squads

Say again? If that was their whole purpose, they failed miserably.

So you have 12 full auto weapons.
It’s quite different from 32 (I count only 4 squads).

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“the classes specifically made to contain automatic weapons fail miserably at containing automatic weapons because they exist”

I don’t know where you see a failure here. They still can have much less full autos than squads where all troopers wield such weapons as FG and M2. One can argue that 4 SMG or 3 LMG per squad can be a bit too much, but that is still much better than 9 soldiers all armed with SMG/LMG equivalent.


I run 6 guys in my squads as I think any more actually hurts more than it helps

My Assault squads can carry 4 Assault and a Gunner, my LMG squads can carry 3 LMG and an Assault. 4.5 out of 6 can autofire now even without the M2.

The only reason I’m even using the M2 is the Bomber can’t carry an SMG and even then I think about just using a Garand as it’s more flexible, accurate, and I just need to click fast if I want faster fire.

Doesn’t matter, 7-9 is the limit and most of players use it.

4 assaulters and a gunner? I must have missed something in the upgrade tree. I remember that there were only 3 assaulters.

So 4.5/6, not 6/6.

Most squads the minimum is like 4-5. You don’t think if you limit auto-fire weapons further that people just won’t run the minimum with auto-fire and just cycle their squads?

All you would really be doing is just making the Solider and classes that are limited to rifles more annoying than they already are.

All good but you forgot there is a thing called Moscow campaign that works well without full auto weapons for everybody. (Although I don’t play moscow so it’s a secondhand info.)
I don’t see why Berlin or Normandy would behave different.

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That’s cool Moscow has a different dynamic. I was hoping they wouldn’t keep everything the same so that people can play more to what suits their desires.

I’m not a fan of the Moscow campaign as it’s too boxed in for my tastes. It’s funny you mention not a lot of Autofire weapons there as that seems to what reigns supreme in that campaign that I’ve noticed with my limited play of it (level 13.)

I like the more open Normandy campaign better.

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Choosing a campaign should be a choice of the setting you like, not gameplay you like.

Auto weapons are meta EVERYWHERE and honestly it’s very boring in my opinion.


I disagree completely. What’s the point of campaigns if they all play the same?

It has the same purpose as choosing the side. You like it, you play it, noting more.

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