Regular troopers shouldn't have full-auto weapons

all germans want to do is stomp the allies when they lost the war

It’s literally in the name, the M2 is a carbine.
The M4A1 is also not an assault rifle, its a carbine.

I swear, when people who don’t know anything about guns, talk about guns, thats why you have California.

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You can directly ask to the devs in the next stream Q&A. Just one statement from devs can stop all of these and decide who will leave the game. Keeping discuessing this leads to nowhere. Or you can send a message to Keofox?

The suggestion is for improvement of the game design, where classes and weapon limitations are not made obsolete by some individual weapons.

If you need an absolute authority to even try looking into arguments then it’s a much larger issue. Ask your dady about his opinion, can post it here.

What is MP7 PDW then, smart guy?

Or how about Maschinenpistole 43 and Sturmgewehr 44, which one is it?

For some odd reason im fairly sure the M2 havent made SMG nor LMG obsolete.

Nah. pointing out your bias, as earlier mentioned.

Quite offtopic but Id guess its on its name personal defense weapon.

Literally that, classified as a Personal defense weapon, those can mean automatic pistols or submachineguns.
The 5.7 round is just a special round with armor piercing capabilities beyond a regular 9mm, doesnt change the fact that the MP7 is a submachinegun.

Maybe one of them can just ask the devs in the next stream Q&A or just send a message to Keofox. A perfect solution to stop all of these threads.

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how about Maschinenpistole 43 and Sturmgewehr 44 , which one is it?

Germany back then classified the STG series as a machinepistol, as it wasn’t common yet to classify something as an “Assault Rifle”, which the STG by today’s definition is with its intermediate cartridge.
The term Assault rifle didnt exist in WW2.
Thus they dubbed it Maschinenpistole 43 MP43
It was also dubbed Maschinenkarabiner, or machinecarbine MKB42 at one point, untill it was settled much later to dub it an assault rifle

Ok. So you are saying, terminology wise, there where no Assault Rifles in WW2 and everything is either SMG, MG (LMG didn’t exist as term) or Rifle/Carbine?
Just as PTSD didn’t exist at the time of Vietnam as such term didn’t exist.

So what do you propose? Don’t use modern classification for those guns? I’m fine with that, but then all these Trooper/Gunner/Bomber are completely useless too.

how the hell does them getting 1 gun that u feel is broken and shouldnt be in game make smg and lmg useless

While they definitely weren’t called “Bombers, Gunners or Troopers” in WW2, there are specializations in every Nation’s armed forces that train them in using these specific weapons.
So no, that doesn’t make these classifications useless.
A regular trooper isn’t trained to fire the Panzerschreck for example, or service a machinegun 34.

Fair enough, agree. But many troops where trained to fire Panzerfaust and MP43. So it’s only fair to make those available to all in the feature? Or should it be limited to Troopers only? Like I understand that FG42 is not a special weapon, neither most of SMGs and their numbers on battlefield where dictated by many different things. But here in the game, if there is no limit to weapon class to a soldier role, then eventually everyone on the team, will have a weapon that makes most of other weapons, even class specific, obsolete.

The STGs weren’t given to everyone and would never have been, due to production issues.
Squad leads or officers were usually the first to be equipped with the STG.

The FG42 is an insanely special weapon considering only 7500-10000 units were made, so its entirely unrealistic to have every trooper equipped with them.
Not even most paratroopers were given an FG42.

Automatic weapons in the german armed forces were mostly machineguns and SMGs.

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Exactly, so how is having them on all troops in the game is a “good” solution?

This is why there are suggestion to classify FG42 as an automatic rifle or an LMG in the game - Gunner weapon. M2, would have to be classified as SMG or just removed entirely. Or you could have it on all specialist roles, like AT/Radio/Engineer but not on Troopers. Anyway US already has Automatic Rifles on Gunners and just missing another proper MG.

Where did i ever say having them on all troops is a good solution?
I said thats what the automatic weapons in the german armed forces mostly consisted of, not assault rifles.

Sorry, that was a rhetorical question :grin:

Weapons like the STG44, M2 Carbine and MKB42 and so forth would have to be the endgame weapons of “Assaulters” which, to be fair, would be the equivalent to a commando, who need lightweight, heavy firepower for both short and medium range combat.

Though regular assaulters with SMGs are usually what was needed for trench combat, evolution in military doctrine and the introduction of midrange automatic weapons that could also fit the role of close range combat like an SMG were usually given to special forces units such as Waffen SS reconnaisance and sabotage units of the Wehrmacht.

I would say the STG should come at lvl 30+ as an Assaulter 3 or 4 Class that couldnt use SMGs but rather only weapons such as the STG44 or MKB42

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no just no…quit limiting our options