Regular troopers shouldn't have full-auto weapons

No not every Hinz und Kunz is going to get a STG.

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LoooL, did you really just write that?

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As they should. Mg and FN are all you need to step on these pathetic casual players that still to this day left school and feel they deserve a participation trophy.

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Just replying to see how this excellent post aged like milk

aka not good

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I’m amazed I still get likes under this post.


have another.


I’m doing my part too.


I see you want to earn your citizenship.

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I think its more interesting that this subject got completely ignored by the devs.

Moscow CBT was fun… never understood riflemen getting FGs


yes, cbt was fun.

until TCatplayzGamez demanded nerfs left and right untill everything was demolished and he left the game…


For a moment I forgot that “CBT” stand for “Close Beta Test” and I was thinking you got some kinky fetish…

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okay lol, “cock and ball torture” was fun?

Really mate, I dont know what to think right now, at least you made me “jiggle” for once. ha…

Better than them doing the same thing with 9 man automatic riflemen.

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my prefered weapon has always been Semi sniper rifles anyway :rofl:

65 likes :partying_face: More than many official news topics.
Now lets give ARs to medic and engineers because we listen to the feedback. - DF

(Don’t even think about closing the topic for necro. It’s mine. And nothing has really changed since then so it’s still relevant.)

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Wait, isn’t this already the case ?

This topic was well past 30 likes when they did it.

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