Regular troopers shouldn't have full-auto weapons

Then use squads that have them.

No, it doesn’t make it reality, but it does make sence.


Then we should make a suggestion to devs, to add Assault/Gunner class, at least one to each squad. With some justification as to why it should be done…

Meta always changes with updates, its not a dogma. Its not a meta in Moscow campaign, neither in Berlin so far.

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If the game changes so will I. I’ll also probably bail out of tanks with full SMG squads if the situation arises, or only use full LMG>Assaulter squads. You see, your complaints will just slightly shift, while I continue to use what weapon is effective for the meta, nothing more.

And that’s what you should be doing now.

No, I actually should be getting some work done; instead, of discussing with you about a situation that doesn’t exist currently.

And people do this in Moscow already and it works just fine. Some run two MG + Assault squad or vice versa. Some run other squads with compliment of different soldiers in it and other sets of benefits.
But nobody in Moscow, runs 2 squads of [3 LMG + 4 Auto Rifles or SMGs] and Another squad of [4 SMGs + 3 Auto rifles] as this shit is possible only in Normandy…

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So good luck with your work.

Im not kindergarden teacher thus I dont think im responsible to teach people to read.

Carbine is well carbine. Just because you want it to be assault rifle it isnt. It doesnt become SMG either regardless how much you shed tears and wish it to be one.

Quite ironic how you are requesting strict historical facts, yet there you are trying to bend facts to make carbine to assault-rifle.

your so stupid im not using m2 with an assaulter ur nuts how bout u leave game and never come back we need to quit catering to germans

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Shove this trolling up your arse kido. Bye.

Theres very little trolling my friend, merely pointing out your doublestandards about historical facts.


Me: limit FG

You should listen to your own advice:

You should as it makes sence both in game and historically.

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Yeah, trying to win an argument by pointing out inconsistency in opponents points is basically admitting that you don’t have any arguments on subject and ad hominem is the only thing left for you.

Why not bring something on subject of discussion instead?

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Selective fire mode with a full auto capability (M2), 7.62x33… Yeah, who in their right mind would say it could be classed as an assault rifle, SMH.

u cherry pick things this is wrong but these inaccuracies are ok but guns are game breaking
but germans can win a war they fucking lost but thats ok they can have all the tanks when they had very few same with planes then u cry cause its not fair limit guns and cry like whinny babies just go some where else if u don’t like game seriously we don’t need you here go away u ruin the game for every one forcing people to play like you we need to quit catering to low skill German player simple as that

If the subject is historical accuracy / historical facts im quite sure the inconsistency is quite relevant to subject. Especiatly when your inconsistency suits your biased views.

Its quite hard to take you seriously if you demand historical accuracy & facts but your willing to bend them to suit your opinions.

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It’s finally time for:


exactly right

Ok, so make that germany always loose.
I wonder how long the game will last.

exactly u cant have an exact replica of ww2 you can be close but not perfect u will have to take the inaccuracies with a grain of salt cause to make it fun and balenced u have to add few things out of the norm to fill gaps for every one not just low skill german players
that want guns limited like babies