Regular troopers shouldn't have full-auto weapons

Or learn from experts, instead of throwing wiki quotes:

It’s either shit smg or shit assault rifle by function. By role, it was give to support troops. Which in Enlisted, means Radiops, Engineers, AT troops. But not Troopers. To be fair, as it doesn’t properly fit anywhere and was “support” weapon, it can be thrown out and replaced by something more fitting.

US didn’t have a proper good intemediate cartridge during WW2. So what are you going to do about it? Give SMG to everyone?
Or even better, introduce STG44 and give it to all Germans, replacing FG42 that would go into some premium squad. How loud then allies are going to cry? And what is the point of upgrading anything in German tree then?

Panzerfaust 30, Panzerschreck, Granatwerfer 42, Jagdpanzer IV L/70, Panther, etc.

It was also used by marines in the pacific. It’s a better SMG for the most part and used on my squads that don’t have access to SMGs to round out the squad.

All this discussion has me thinking of revisiting Moscow now that I completed Normandy. I think I’ll be using two tanks and just bailing out right at the start. lol

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Maybe Berlin is a better choice. And it’s going to get into OBT stage in next two weeks I believe.

Berlin with the personal armor and bigger badder tanks/aircraft… I might skip that one.

Imho it would indeed fit better as a weapon for SMG class and you could unlock it half way to the Thompson. Or make it a weapon for some sort of support premium squad. Then it can have some mods on it or more ammunition.
The Gunner is just missing proper LMG, the BAR is already there for turning Gunner into a Automatic Rifle man where needed and into machine gunner in some other squad, with a proper LMG.

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Yes when you play as Germany everytime you have to take Ju87D5 if you want to win because it’s the only way to fight against T3485, which is able to one-shot Panzer IV. In this way they just force people to use planes and tanks, because there are no other way to win.

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No not really. Compared with Thompson, which would have 100 drum in the future, doesn’t have any speical advantage. Let alone it cannot effectively handle mid-range target due to its insane recoil. Just like I said, many people are underestimating how important recoil is. Different recoil means DIFFERENT TYPES of guns. M2 is only OP within 5m, within a small house, that’s all. Remeber that there’s no SMG can only accurately deal with targets within 5m.

Why does it need to have advantage over the top tier weapon? There is a bunch of guns that a worse than their top line replacement. Why M2 has to be special?

Technically only Germany has Mid range SMGs, so not sure if that is a problem.

Mount it and no problem with recoil. PPD works wonders full auto mounted and semi-auto on a run. It’s just learning how to get the best out of the weapon.

You are talking about mounting weapon all the time even as an assualter? Are u sesrious? Let alone the mounting system is this game is a shit you cannot even see the bipod.

So is M3 grease gun? More damage, more stable, perfect even for target at 60m.

Even mounted it sucks… the recoil and sight wonkiness ruins it.

Only usefulness that I see with it is to round out squads without access to autofire house clearing weapons.

Then take an assaulter to your squad. And if it’s not possible, change your squad to assaulter squad.

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IRL??? You’re kidding, right?

Great, why not? It’s the same with first two german LMG in Moscow, the are both shit for different reasons compared to MG34 and serve different purpose.

That sounds like a solution for a problem you’re trying to create…

Get Assault or Gunner for that into a squad.
Otherwise, following this logic - let get optional scopes on all weapons because what if you need to deal with a target a distance? How about Bazooka as optional secondary weapon for everyone and etc.

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Yes it is the solution. If you want to have M2, take an assaulter to your squad.
The end.


May I correct it?:
If you want to have automatic weapon, take an assaulter or gunner to your squad.

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Not all squads get Gunners or Assaulters or might only get one. This also doesn’t help when you’re infront of the house you’re trying to enter. The game has M2’s and carbines as rifles… The thread is that Regular troopers shouldn’t have full-auto weapons and well in the current meta I disagree as the Regular trooper is the backbone of these units.

Not in this game… I have the M2 on any Soldier I want. Just because you say something doesn’t make it reality. The End… Fantasy man.

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