Regular troopers shouldn't have full-auto weapons

Of course Bar should be restricted. After -40% vertical recoil its vertical recoil per second is 228, which is highly controllable. The the vertical recoil per second of FG42 is 587.5, even after -40% it is still 352(and bar without -40% is 380).

And here is the vertical recoil per second of all MGs in this game:
Breda Model 30:264
MG42: 225
Bren MK II:280

Most of them lie in between 200-300 apart from Bar and DP27.

And FG42:587.5
M2 Carbine:675
AVS 36:780
All of them is beyond 550.

So you propose to classify guns by their vertical recoil?

Naturally. Unless you’re so extremly skilled to use a gun with 500+ vertical recoil per second as an assult rifle(that of MKB42H is 260, and MKB42W is 200). If recoil means nothing why has everybody given up fully powered cartridge after the WWII(americans as an exception of course)? Why germans have to work on the project of 7.92*33 Kurz for years?

mimimi I want to be overpowerd mimimi, dont balance the game or ill stop playing mimimi.

Dude things NEED to change, there is Zero reason to leave it the way it is !

So let me get it clear. In your opinion, an Automatic Rifle can be given to every soldier as long as it has high recoil in auto fire, but those with relatively low recoil should be given only to Gunners?

You can mount a semi-auto to get a bit of accuracy boost, but mounting auto rifle turns it into LMG with a short mag. One is small bonus, another is completely different class.

Let’s enable single shot fire on MG34, as it should be, and now we can give it to everyone because it’s technically an unwieldy semi-automatic with a big mag…


Lol don’t want to talk about it with you anymore. Let’s just see whether they would be FG42 in Berlin. I can say 100000%.

Well, not everybody gave up, technically just USSR, as US used M14 for quite a while. Europe seen FN FAL and G3 alike. Even in case of USSR it’s more of specifics of how divisions are organized and success of AK line overall.

Before in Vietnam and just found their M14 highly ineffective against AK47? Americans just need some time to correct their superstition on fully powered cartridge.

No idea what relation that has to what we are talking about.
M-14 replaced M1 Garand long after WW2 was over. By the time Vietnam war starts, tactics and strategy changed a lot. Most of the countries in the world, used a mix of full caliber and intermediate caliber assault/automatic weapons, and still use. It was just USSR that didn’t had any full caliber assault weapon in the service, largely because of their doctrine of sustained auto fire.

At least British don’t fully agree with this amercian superstition on fullly powered catridge.
But these things apart, I want to point out that recoils do matter. It’s one of the most important factors that influence your feeling of using a weapon. Honestly speaking I also want to replace FG42, but with MKB42 or MP43. I would rather not be able to one-shot someone than cannot be able to shot automatically accurately anything farther than 30m .

So my suggestion is to reduce the recoil of M2 and introduce Mp43 as its counter. Perfect solution. Everybody would be happy apart from those who come from hell let loose(the one you should play if you have strong superstition on historical accuracy).

Agree, recoil does matter here in game, just because you can use even MG42, standing and aiming down-sight. Outside of the game, it’s a completely different story.

What I don’t agree is this idea of “counters”. People don’t unlock weapons with the same speed and you have different composition of weapons during battle. Making a “counter” to some specific weapon means little as it’s not like you are going to fight just a guy with that specific weapon.
Asymmetrical balance is a legit thing. Everyone has the same classes and roles but some ‘factions’ have a better/worse utilization for some roles, better/worse equipment for some roles. Adding weapons like MP43, available to all classes, makes everything else just obsolete, all BA, all SMG, the whole Assaulter class and a Gunner to a degree of how maps structured in Normandy. How is that a “Perfect solution”?

Those who want auto on everyone, could go play Battlefield and have all the automatic weapons with all their counters…

Then should 70% of the playerbase…

Why not 450%? If we are talking about imagining some statistics…

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Take a look here by yourself

Already replied to that in a different thread… It’s meaningless

It’s not enough to say for the whole comunity.
And if somebody likes normandy that doesn’t mean that he likes run and gun gameplay. I can mean that he wants to play d-day for example.

So it’s indicator at best, no numbers should be given.

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If this would make you happy. So just wait to see FG42 in Berlin two weeks later…

That is some sort of significant milestone or something?

Not exactly. Thompson still has its place due to its 100 drum but all german SMG would have to fall into rubbish bin

That means you hell let loose players fail again no matter how loudly you are on the forum.