Regular troopers shouldn't have full-auto weapons

Making BAR and FG42 a Gunner restricted weapon, would do exactly that - you can have Gunner in pretty much every squad. You can use an Automatic Rifle where you need more mobility for the squad, or use an MG if squad is more static.


every thing in game was used that year ur the one crying and where did u learn math 90 percent inaccurate? dude are u stoned 1 or 2 issues that u cherry picked out whole shit load of problems isnt 90 percent quit cherry picking u got what was promised to you no more no less

The WHOLE FREAKING ARMY using one of the RAREST WEAPONS is a big problem for me.
It’s 90% not because of quainity but because of the “quality” of this inacuracy and tbh stupidity.

And stop talking about the dates. I’ve never mentioned a date.


I hope that 25 likes is enough to convince devs to do this.
If ~5 people shouting “learn to play” win this discussion win, I’ll have to take a loooooooong vacations.

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Then why don’t restrict Gewehr 43? Germans never have it eqipped to everybody either.

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No they won’t. I can make a bet that FG42 would still once more appear in Berlin(but not in Tunisia for players like you), once more as a rifle for everyone.

better schedule that vacation send us a post card

Because of balance.
I want to restrict FG and M2. So if I would like to restrict Gewehr I would have to also restrict something for the hamburgers but I have no idea what.

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We will see. Just two weeks later when the new season begin.(and imagine how many same threads appear again)

I hope that at least they won’t expand this idea to other campaigns.

Those numbers are to big, I can’t handle it.

Yes, I believe they would at least reserve Moscow and Tunisia for you. But because of AVS36 Moscow is not what it was anymore. What a pity.

Damn, I forgot about that crap because of our M2 - FG discussion.

It’s just like FG-M2, extremly powerful like a MG when you are inside a small house, but outside that it is just a semi-auto.(but unfortunately M2 even doesn’t fit the role as a semi-auto due to its cartridge)

Really? Somebody flagged that?

Yeah, I posted it and after a few seconds it got flagged. Maybe by the forum system?

nope, it’s users

It happens everyday. Just do not care about it.

i wish people did not put two FG 42s or two MG 42s on one soldier and jsut SWAP when they run out, im here for a WW2 shooter not a WW2 cod game, im so god damn sick of just about every FPS being either too acade or so hardline and toxic that not many people play it

What’s really ironic is that almost NONE of them have tried FG42 by themselves(I personally recahed levl 23 within a week and nobody could be more familiar with this gun than me. And devs should have also used this gun a lot just take a look at their twitter). You can judge it from the fact that they are keeping suggesting to restrict FG42 to gunners(just like what they imagained FG42 to be) which makes no sense. That’s why I think they should add FG42 to the practice mode. What they imagined: a LMG(in this game means assult rifle with fully powered cartridge, even though it’s nothing historical) for everyone. What’s the reality: a semi-auto plus a MG-like CQC(means:inside a house) capability. Even when you shoot farer than 10 meters it’s almost uncontrollable(4x vertical recoil per second compare with MP40).

I’ve tried it multiple times and it’s a really good upgrade to G43 in semi-auto.

and here is where it sounds just like a BAR so why restrict BAR then? Both are full caliber Automatic Rifles, both can have the same mag size of 20 rounds, both can and should be used in semi-auto for better control. Aren’t they both are kind of good upgrade to semi-autos?