Regular troopers shouldn't have full-auto weapons

I’ve played it for like 10 hours, but whatever. Didn’t even know that it’s an established sub-genre.

If you think this is some sort of “sub-game-genre” class fight then I can’t help you. You seam to care more about belonging to some sub-group than about other things.

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It is really the case, as most of you are speaking extremly loudly everyday on the forum and keeping insulting anyone who doesn’t agree with you(luckily you are not this kind of person). You can just have a glance at the russian community nobody is complaining about AVS36 like about FG42 here.

It’s true, but only devs know the exact situation. So I said we can judge from wether Fg42 is going to be in Berlin or not.

A recent example:

Russian part of forum is largely about Moscow campaign.

Yes, it has but not comparable with here. you should instead search for avs36 because most of russians don’t play Normandie

I think not many people care about AVS36 or use it at all because you get just few ammo. I don’t know how effective it is in cqb with it’s 15 mag size.

It’s not about something being OP or whatever, but about proper classification of weapons and their role. As explained here:

If everyone gets stuff like FG42, AVS36 then why do we have class restrictions at all, give SMG to everyone as it’s anyway “balanced” against auto rifles.

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You can bring 4 mag at maxiumum. And I’ve watched people using AVS36 is just as powerful as PPD in CQC. But beyond 10m it’s just a semi-auto like FG42.

What do you mean? Restrict semi-auto?

I’m maxed on Moscow campaign and was killed by AVS36 like ones, that I remember. I forgot it even existed until you’ve mentioned it.

Sorry, it was meant to be AVS36

Because it’s on extremly high level not everyone can play 2 hours a day like me. I’m already at levl 29 in Normandie and have 27 level 5 soldiers.

Yeap and FG42 is on 23 I think, not on 27 as AVS36…

Yes but still takes much time to grind, even with premium

Depends. Overall the reason why you don’t see many high end weapons is not only grind but simply because many people switch side or campaign after maxing out.
Like I’ve got my PZIII J and in 50+ battles never seen a T-50.
If I get some super rifle at level 29, what do I do with it? Try to max out level 2 AT squad?That takes ages and is kind of useless.

But something you get on the level 20 is going to work for you for another 50+ hours.

That’s why I play Berlin now. Just lost interest to play Normandie after having everything.

Every game mentioned has limited auto weapons. HLL,FOW & PS

Neither its marketed as mil-sim. The “Realism” part doesnt mention any of the things you are asking for.


The game gives a feeling of participating in a real military battle, re-creates the atmosphere of the Second World War and is careful with details.

Id say the details part is somewhat right, the realism starts and ends at names of places and perhaps models. Thats about it and im pretty sure it never was anymore realistic than that.

Ironicly theres the mention of “Real military battle” which is by far more unrealistic claim than the full autos. But here you are asking the guns that kills you to be limited, rather than actually asking for fixes in by far more unrealistic matters. Infact if this game was even slightly presenting what the ww2 battles really was, ww2 would have never ended due to absolutely retarded bots which are by far more realism breaking than everyone running & dualwielding mg42’s.

Conclusion, your asking a gun that kills you to be limited and use the “Realism” as scapegoat.
I dont mind your suggestion, just dont pretend your asking it because its realism breaking since there are far more bigger issues that breaks the realism than the weapons.

And really, if your only intention was to make a game realistic as possible not a single sane person would choose this game. Your suggestion in name of “realism” is silly as if I went to F1 forums crying how crappy vietnam war game it is.

2021-06-08 19_41_46-Enlisted i jeszcze 2 strony — Osobisty — Microsoft​ Edge

Read the last sentence for me please. And then tell me how M2 and FG42 are in line with historical facts, especially how they are implemented right now? There are other things similar of course, but this thread is about those two guns, so let’s focus on them.

We know that “Realism” is something in between going fully into Arcade (BF and COD) and Milsim (HLL, PS etc.). That way some simplifications that make gameplay more appealing are ok. I would honestly even ignore those full auto guns being available for everyone IF the game wasn’t advertised as “in line with historical facts”. Because of that one sentence things like time traveling weapons or whole Wehrmacht armed with FG-42 for whatever reason are irritating.


Wtf said it’s a mil-sim? lol

Typical whataboutism. I’m using these guns, I’m not asking to NERF them but to place them in a correct category and respectfully treat other classes.
If you don’t give a shit about classes then here is news flash for you - they are here, for soldiers and weapons! Having an automatic rifle as a generic weapon that any class can use, makes zero sense when you already have system of soldier classes and weapon classes. Even bloody Battlefield respects this…


This. The whole purpose of classes is to help balance the game. Its to ensure that every high level player doesn’t just run around with only the most OP weapons.


AVS is dogshit too btw
Twice the recoil per shot of the DP or even the other semi-autos.
It’s fun though

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