Pre-order: Radio operators of Rzhev

Just to be sûre,

There is those premium squads with big badaboom arty rockets ; PLUS an event squad with the same arty rockets, but powerless, in the futur ? (like the apc : free apc in tech tree + premium apc + event apc)

Or only premium and no event ?
(and nothing for the tech tree ?)

Two premiums now + some event squads in future.

(rocket artillery has the same power in premium and event squads)

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As I have already said, if it bothers you so much. You can go play different fps game instead. There’s so many of them. And a lot of them don’t have any micro transactions.

And tech tree stay without new stuff ?

Thx for your answer

New stuff was leaked in past beta (Sov t34-57, I-185, T20 early USA, Ke7 Jap)

If they need money, they should implement monetisation strategies which are not just affordable for most people, but sustainable. $50 OP Premium Squads which then get nerfed in to the ground is not affordable to most people, or sustainable.

Helldivers II proved that you don’t need to charge ludicrous prices for OP shit and still make money.

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Make the game better? No, you’re trying to push some of your socialist agenda here, since you obviously just want everything for free.

You don’t like the F2P concept and have a problem with monetization policy in this game. Okay, so what? The whole game isn’t going to change just because someone who hasn’t put a single buck into it says it sucks.

You’re a real hypocrite.


This is how the things work in the world. They can claim any money they want, because other games are low-quality / infested with hackers / less popular.

Gaijin is not a charity. If Enlisted is only 10 % better than other games - it is complety enough.

But in fact… Enlisted is 100 % better than other games :+1:


invasion of sicily would be quite nice ngl

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I highly disagree. Since there would 0 way how to influence map pool.

The game isn’t perfect. No one in the real world is perfect.
That’s how the real world truly works.

It’s not wrong to tell them when they make a mistake, or do something wrong, for the purpose of bettering the game.


As soon as you opened an anti-air gun as engineer or first tank with 75mm cannon and both AP and HE shells(every nation have it in BR II) receiving points(aka becoming part of elite society of top 10-20%) isn’t a problem anymore - just kill planes and camp ppl from the grey zone…

Yeah, but you shouldn’t really be pushed in to use the most scummy tactics possible just to get a new squad… I’ve started using planes (i hate using planes, i think it’s scummy and cheesy as hell) to get points now, just because otherwise it can take so long.


200w (12)


what can i say, i think Enlisted works better as an infantry-only game xd

But, it’s the MOST mixed arms ww2 game there is…

Tanks, AT pieces, planes, mechanized infantry (apc, motorcycles, jeeps/kubels, SCHOOL BUSSES), artillery, anti air…

Yeah, that’s why I proposing to counter planes(with using Anti-Air gun).
Planes work only because 99% don’t use AA gun.
I can solo kill 90% planes(sometimes 100% :Р) with 5 engineers in my squad for the whole match(with many if’s, but still…)
So it’s like farming BTC in 2015 - almost no one using it so you could farm insane amount of points(350+(30 per crew member) per plane)

“It’s war, son”, so kill or be killed :upside_down_face:

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After facing anti-person mines nearby enemy rally points - nothing as scummy as this tactic…

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Could you explain to me where the improvement is, I’m curious
every game is a reflection of its community, if people applaud the microtransactions and send you to another game it’s fun, after all I’m paying 15/20/30 up to 50 dollars for a premium while I pay 150/200/300 (where’s the balance in the currency?) and they think that it is only their country that exists (without generalizing), but very calmly, only our bubble plays the game and no one else, and they still call me a sadomasochist, but very calmly dismiss themselves these premium squads with abusive prices because it’s abusive ‘‘YES’’ you are publishing ‘‘the socialist agenda’’ for God’s sake, spare me these ridiculous comments!

Literally my exact thoughts and feelings towards it. There is nothing to research that I feel like chasing after. It’s been just playing and grinding for my regular research items. There has been minimal text tree items added since merge.

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