Pre-order: Radio operators of Rzhev

We already had several squads that mentioned Rzhev in their description (like sov paras for example).
Nothing new here.

Sadly, looks like they don’t care indeed.

However instead of bastardising historical battles they can just add generic maps like “town” or “coast”.

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So regular artillery are shells and new premium artillery are rockets?

Meanwhile, 6 months ago, regular artillery be like…rockets…

Schermafbeelding 2024-05-30 084201


Why on earth??

Rzhev Battle ended in spring 1943, nothing like Tiger 2 or ASs existed then.

What’s the point of adding maps with historical names if Devs don’t give a rat’s ass about historical context?

Why not just add generic maps named “assault on the town” or “defence of the lake” or whatever?

Another huge disappointment with this game.

Rzhev should be changed to low BR only based on feedback (and common sense) like SdKfz 251/9 BR was changed before release.

Or it should be renamed to something generic like “Field”.

Im not buying them just for rockets, if you bring in unique radio operators atleast add some more options than just rocket barriage how about a supply drop for your team boxes with ammo medic and weapons to choose from for yourself, like with the paratroopers, maybe more CAS options like incendiary bombs cuz just for the rockets its not enough to convince me.

More importantly thats not how rockets work, the impact is too dense it needs to have far more spread, this is some sort of a joke if i want to ensure a tank is gone imma kamikaze them and walk away.

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It has stripper clip reload, you can’t remove the magazine on it

I understand man i saw it thx anyway

I mean I guess if the event squad is bad then I might buy the German squad for high br since at least they have 10 round unlike svd 5 round

Probably next sale tho

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History channels at 3AM :skull:
Bro the Huns have melted into various nations by the start of the 2nd millenia. You can still find their genetic traces in Transylvanian Hungarians and also in Eastern Europe.

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The sad state of Enlisted post merge.
IS-2 in Stalingrad is okay, but Italians in Stalingrad is somehow not, TT Italian units still wear German uniforms, at least add some Italian insignias on them.

Tunisia is still only low BR.
Berlin is still only high BR.

They have some people in the company who have common sense.
But not many, apparently.

wait, the Soviet squad is equipped with semi auto sniperrifles? while the german has “regular” semi auto rifles?

seem broken to me, wait… the Soviet squad is BR2 while the German one is BR3?

okay? what am I missing here, besides there not being any reason for those arty strikes being better than regular artillery?

I am starting to get concerned about this mechanic…


Soviet one has 5 round while German one has 10 round.

Thoroughly disappointed

okay good point

Those BR brackets are there in place to at least limit the most insane BS.
And they are exactly dictated by history: see Berlin on high BR.

Then they could make a map for BR 4-5 like East Prussia?
Or 1-5 map that is not Fake Rzhev but something like Belarus?

They’re literally not choosing the easy route, but choosing the route to intentionally screw up the WW2 aspect of their game

Ah yes that’s exactly where I want all my extra money to go; not saving for a house/car, or investing in a child’s future, or affording any unexpected expenses… virtual soldiers in a videogame just because some guy on the forum whales everything and wants everyone else to as well…


If you’re not willing to pay for your entertainment, that’s fine. But then this is not the place for you. Nor is your opinion relevant for devs because you’re not the target audience.

But keep complaining about “virtual soldiers”. All I say is your attitude is extremely childish.

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Premium squads affect the entire community. Stop being so high and mighty.

Everyone is impacted by this. Not just you, not just people who buy it.

The only childish people are the ones saying “just buy it”, not realising that some people actually have lives they want to live, and not just no-life a single videogame or spend their entire life savings on it…

Unless, of course, you’re advocating for this premium squad to only be able to kill other people using this premium squad? In which case sure, go for that.


I wonder if the developers need money for that stuff too :thinking: