Pre-order: Radio operators of Rzhev

Any reason why A115 lacks bayonet? Mount for one is present. Basic recoil’s higher compared to G41 W as well.
Also, 4 seconds to put in a 5-round clip is insane.
Edit: single 5 round clip in SVD-30.

2x 5 rd clips, hence the slow reload rate

Im still waiting for my brown caps for Soviet APC crew :pound: :cold_sweat:

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Was talking about SVD-30, forgot to specify.

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I dont think you will find anyone here that thinks or applauds the prices of those premiums.



I’m one of those fat blubbering whales (figuratively speaking, I got a healthy body shape thank you :smiley: ), that get almost all premium squads there is.

But. I’m no hypocrite. I KNOW the pricing is really predatory, and said so often, in all honesty. i’m also one of those who keep saying that special mechanics such as: fuel tank planes, paratroopers etc should also have a regular, f2p, tech tree variant.

Because i’m really just after the fun & giggles + cool looking uniforms and bizzare weaponry. I don’t need exclusive meta for fun…


Prices are OK, but offer in Store could be better.

Lack of Japan paratroopers. Fighter planes with bad abilities (no +50 % detection range).

Some time ago many premium squads were without the engineer.

I do not want to spend money on unique but useless weapons :bell:

I think the prices are good… At certain times of the year :slight_smile:



The premium squads are definitely expensive, but it’s an oversimplification to call them “predatory.” They have to be priced low enough that some people will buy them and they have to be priced high enough that not too many people buy them. It’s just the nature of any multiplayer game with optional content for purchase. I think back to Star Wars Galaxies and the way Jedi were handled. It was very, very difficult to get a Jedi and if he died, you lost him forever; permadeath. The was the idea for managing the population of Jedi in the game. A lot of players who couldn’t get Jedi or who lost their Jedi complained and permadeath was removed. Before long, nearly everyone you ever met in the entire galaxy was a Jedi. It made the game absolutely suck. I don’t want games of Enlisted to be nothing but Premium squads fighting against nothing but premium squads. It would be no fun.

Maybe not a tech tree variant, but events that come up from time to time with slightly less desirable replacements. There has been only ONE chance to get US paratroopers in an event and if you didn’t play that event, you’re SOL. I ended up buying McNasty’s 506th Filthy Thirteen squad on sale at New Year’s and really glad I did. But I was never going to pay $40 for them and I was always going to buy them as soon as they went on sale. It would have been nice to get a 2nd shot at free paratroopers, but back to the Galaxies example: if they make itso easy to get them thar everyone has them, then balance of the game will suffer. I’d rather the game stay stable and keep the premiums slightly on the rare side.

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These squads shouldn’t be too expensive?
I don’t mind spending some money occasionally to support operations
But I don’t want to see them buy wine and get drunk and mess up the server connection or give up on fixing bugs.


I just can not see how people could justify buying this squad.
Surely if more than 1-2 in a game, they will have to abide by arty countdown rules?,
which means when you want to use it, its already in use, why pay for this, when you wont always be able to use its feature, without countdown.

But unless there is no countdown, for them then yes, they may be worth it.


That is great

Well, I spot two fellas that kinda do.

Slight difference between accepting that a tradesman will charge as much he can get away with and applauding it. (I know i bump my rate up as far as i still get work)

Most of the time im not willing at their price. I wait for the 50% sale

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I have thought that a potential dynamic for powerful artillery strikes like this would be to require the player to sacrifice score in order to use them and the more the artillery is used, the more expensive it gets. Everyone who has the squad gets a freebie to call in (with a sensible cooldown) and then it can be called in on demand but costs the artillery squad more and more battle points each time they call it.

Add some sort of target on the map for the opposition to destroy/capture that either deactivates “rocket artillery on demand” or doubles its cost.

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If there just restricted, with a countdown, like the whole team shares for arty, then i stand by my first impression
But if there just on there own countdown, i would see them as viable, might even buy one then :stuck_out_tongue:
but also that is a scary thought, when you could possibly, face up to 10 on field at once, with only, there own countdown, and not a shared, team restriction.

Be nice if some could answer, if they abide, by team countdown restrictions, or there own countdown, as they premium,

because it seems that to have a prem, but its restricted by a countdown, seems silly
so i have a sneaky suspicion, that it has its own countdown, and not team shared countdown

That’s kind of why I think the dynamic I described could work well. Allow any of the rocket artillery squads to call in artillery any time they wanted (one freebie for everyone with rocket artillery) and a very long cooldown.

Each person with rocket artillery can call in another strike on demand (bypass the cooldown) if they pay the score penalty with each use upping the price for the next one. If you don’t have the score, you have to wait for the cooldown. If you’re loaded with points, then you can take advantage of them and rain hellfire down on the enemy

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I believe this is what i am worried about :stuck_out_tongue:
esp, if there’s more than a few, on same stacks :rofl:
my worst case scenario
10x8 secs of death =80s of hell, if they could all let loose,(anytime)or at once.
Will be great for clans :rofl:
