Pre-order: "Iron Fury" tanker squads

lol I thought they put it on BR 5 on BR 4 is ok not bad for BR 4 not great either :smiley:


Thatā€™s pretty cool, I like the history portion

Well, its a Sherman with a Pershing gun - instead of the real M36 Jackson being a M10 with a Pershing gun.

should have somewhat better armor than a regular M36 Jackson right?

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i mean it depend on what chassis it using i guess look like a jumbo one to me (i have no tank knowledge so take it with a grain of salt)

nah thatā€™s a regular Sherman Chassis, historically speaking there were only a few Jumbos ever made, some got the 76mm gun, but nothing bigger than that.

I would doubt that a jumbo with all the extra heavy armor could support the 90mm gun without overreaching its weight limitations.

The Ersatz was used during the Battle of Bulge

Hopefully one day we get proper Battle of the Bulge maps, and you know not just Hurtgen forest like it says on the tin

Maybe one tiny event for Battle of The Bulge :
Long time ago in another universe called war thunder was promised one Stug IV so maybe we can add it here as a event reward :smiley:

For the Germans:

And for the Allies:
Not to be greedy for a Comet maybe Tank, Cruiser, Challenger (A30):


now i see where warthunder player get their camo inspiration from

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I always see people here saying that it wouldnā€™t be good if we had bushes on treads in this game

But I donā€™t really see the issue. Itā€™s historical and with 1000 ways to die in this game a tankā€™s life can be measured in minutes

Plus camouflage is only really good for the first shot, because youā€™re spotted from that point after. At best camouflage protects you for just a few moments


If there are no good shells, why donā€™t I play fireflies or American m10

It really overprice just for a re-skin tank

I donā€™t know. Rather save my money for the next OP CAS airplane. Itā€™s obvious tanks are just a meme in this game. You want to win, you play infantry or CAS.

I like these tanksā€¦in warthunder

In enlisted im more interested in tanks better suited for anti infantry or seige tanks :stuck_out_tongue:

That opinion screams one thing to me, a fan of a certain well-known major.

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No. Itā€™s just the truth after playing for over two years. Tanks are fun, yes. But to win games you need boots pushing points or defending and CAS planes to bomb high value targets with no issues tanks have. Like LOS

butā€¦ arent the high value targets the tanks? :slight_smile:


Thatā€™s completely wrong. It all depends on maps. Good luck with planes on urban maps.
Tanks definitely do have place in this game. And unlike planes, youā€™re actually body on battlefield and you are able to face enemy persistently and nonstop

Planes can only do one or two aoe attacks and then theyā€™re on cooldown for more than minute because they have to go replenish ammo.

If enemy is truly aggressive, both vehicle types are kinda useless. In other case, both vehicle types are good enough to have significant impact on outcome of battle.


And they are usually useless vs a good CAS player. Because he/she has complete command of battlefield. While tanks only have a certain area.

Its LOS vs TOT (time on target). Maybe jet planes will tip the balance with ability to rearm fast, but right now its quite balanced re air/ground.

Sure. Im just saying that, CAS main purpose (IMO) is to control the tanks. If they dont do that or one of the ā€œrare fighter pilotsā€ is cancelling CAS, Tanks can cause alot of damage. bit of a trinity going on here.