Ppls reaction to FG buff

Yes, clearly they will be their own separate ecosystems

it a little slow for my taste tbh but it is fun do hope they add the soluthurn 20mm for axis in the future ngl

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I love committing war crimes in low br with AT rifles.

I think Geneva says firing AT weapons to human targets is a big no no (but I’m not certain).

Just funny.


It doesn’t cause more suffeing than a regular bullet so my guess is no, it’s not a warcrime.

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Our 20mm grenade rifle was a war crime. “Exploding bullets”

I have no desire to defend against the slander toward my faction. For the past few months, I’ve been playing on the disadvantaged German side, and I’m tired of the mindless PvE experience that comes with playing on the dominant faction—it’s just too boring. My choice is to team up with a few friends and achieve victory from the underdog position. I can usually get 150 to 250 kills in a single match by myself, and that’s the thrill I enjoy. What I can’t stand is when the dominant faction takes that fun away from me.

This is a recent video montage of my gameplay on the German side. Anyone doubting my skills can take a look. The FG42-2 is my favorite weapon.

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FG42-2 is my favorite weapon.

Well someone’s going to have a good patch day


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It’s not enjoyable at all. Playing defense on the dominant faction feels like being in prison—scoring very little in a match and having to endure the long wait for it to finally end. And there’s more: a weapon that used to require some skill has been turned into a complete noob gun.

You are implying that AVT, T20 and Type Hei Automatic rifle are all noob guns, since FG42 just got denerfed to normal SF rifle level, not even buffed.


Soviets and Germans have pretty much always had parity
Yanks were pretty underequipped for BRV stuff that was late game normandy and berlin

Truth; USA was a basically a BR4 nation pre merge

Now theyre deff well rounded; im even enjoying the pershing since avg Us infantry is now competent


Japan was painfully stretched even on BR4.
Merge was definitely did not take into account the power levels of nations, but we are slowly reaching parity.

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Germany is not dominant it’s just the opponents you’re fighting are severely brain damaged and some of the people we had in the past have left the game because of how boring things are and when it comes down to it Germany has no competitive Gameplay against Sweat Lords and the only thing we’re actually good at is destroying casuals.

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Anyway. As per OP’s question:

My reaction to FGs normalization placing them on equal footing with other SF rifles:

  • I don’t really care. I dislike br5 BECAUSE of SF rifle spam, and so I avoid it. I like slower, more tactical pace (to each their own).

I’m sad they missed the target with the Gerät semi auto, thought. It’s definitely worthy of br 4 (if you look at all other semis, namely new Winchester with 20 rnds at br4).


The funny thing is that only 20 AVT rifles were tested with the 15 round magazines while 18,500 AVT rifles with 20 round magazines were sent for testing.

I would personally limit the mag size of all SF rifles to 20 rounds and limit their total ammo count to the original 20/20 without ammo bags.

This would discourage the constant use of full auto and make assault weapons more useful in that role.


Agree, definitely missed opportunity.


Perhaps I’d be less disgusted by br5, I wouldn’t mind this :thinking:

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But semi-auto rifles have 10/40, that sure sounds logical…

Now there a reason to put engeneer in german squad