Ppls reaction to FG buff


Just typical wehraboo whining right? Wait…

Personally I have a great laugh at ppl complaining about axis suddenly becoming OP. Literaly a U-turn from what was just a few days ago.

(I guess I shouldn’t laugh. It’s inapropriet.)


It’s almost like Soviets/Americans can’t play well if they don’t have unfair advantage over Germany. :thinking:


Well, it still not going to get bayonet. So it will objectively still be inferior and less versatile than other TT SF rifles.


Well I’m leaning towards being happy for them tbh but haven’t tried fg grenade launcher yet gonna do that today

We should consider if the arms race between TT continue for high BR, soon or later, SF are going be replaced with some sort of all rounder Automatic weapon

Some examples

Shpagin as44

Vollmer sg29

Hyde carabine

I can’t find nothing for Japanese so I put this one and call it a day
Fedorov avtomat 1916


No we’re used to being at a disadvantage to Germany. I’m just spiteful and don’t want them to have anything nice. It’s the Soviets that’ll be whinging the most. Point and case the dude who dropped a whole essay complaining about it was a Soviet player. Or at least that’s where his care lies

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That’s because nothing exists. They’re focused on ships and naval aircraft. Until those become relevant, Japan isn’t capable of moving forward

lol All I can think of is this when I read


What do you mean by all rounder automatic weapon?

The examples you give can already be classified as SF or assault rifle. I don’t really see why dev will introduce another type of weapon?

Logically next step is assault rifle on everyone, maybe is only me but… I find it very possible

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Im very happy for German mains, at this point it would have been hopelessly archaic to be only nation with non auto battle rifle (u know what I mean).

Give them their 100-200rd MG and theyre in a very good spot (MG15 accuracy fix last patch was very welcome).

Id prob agree with Russian forum side that AVT is now the oldest and likely poorest performing Batt rifle after this change, could use some spice there.

But all is well, excited to have better balance at high BR :saluting_face:


What did they change?

I think this is exactly the wrong decision, which is why probably i shouldn’t be surprised it happened.

All SF rifles should have been made default semi auto or turned into assaulter weapons. The exact opposite of what they did.

At BR 5 every single soldier is now a default full auto trooper. It just serves to blur the lines between classes in a way that makes the distinctions rather pointless. What’s the purpose of assault squad if any other squad does the same job plus something else on top? I think they are undermining one of the core game features.

There’s very little point in the class right now, esp. for the americans and japanese.

The only positive i give is that at least it’s making the game more consistent (fg vs avt-hei-t20) but ofc leave it to gaijin to half-ass that too by leaving AS-36 as default semi. :clown_face:

PS: Stop abusing the community flagging.

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Last rifle in the axis progression tree got some buffs. They mostly make it in line with similar weapons from other nations.

It’s not terrible but AVT simply deserves a 20 round mag.


So does Type Hei auto rifle.


based but ill allow it :wink:

They could buff it’s dmg so it would 1hk people at close range (vitality included), it has the lowest dispersion of all BR5 rifles but it’s visual recoil kinda sucks so they could lower it too.

Its kinda weird that the meta is focusing on OP rifle squads and assaulters are kinda falling by the wayside.

Honestly id personally just widen the recoil on all non braced battle rifles, historically they were hard to fire full auto standing anyhow, but I think were past that at the moment.
re AVT lots of options, up to DF how they play it


I want assault rifle usable by everyone, they are anyway BR5 weapon and mostly overshadowed by SF so nothing would change outside player decision if use them or not

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