Please strengthen Soviet air power in the next major version update

The Soviet Union’s air power is too weak, especially its ability to attack the ground, and needs to be strengthened. The United States has SBD, P51, P47, Germany has Ju188, Ju87r2, IAR, and Japan also has 500kg. However, even the Li-10 in the Soviet Union only reached the level of the German ME410, with only P40 and SU22m3 available, but its performance was far behind that of German aircraft. Since we will balance the occupying speed in the next version, please also strengthen the Soviet air power to ensure balance against Germany.


I think the USSR won’t get anything.
James has already said on the Russian forum that the Soviet Air Force is “QUITE DIVERSE AND DOES NOT NEED TO BE STRENGTHENED”.
Most likely, the USSR will get something useless, like MT

Its fine, the USSR is only missing a good high BR bomber (Tu-2 where??) and a low performance aircraft which can carry a 500kg bomb since it is the only nation which does not have one.

That’s why everything is not very okay.

Soviet air force is very strong. Been playing nothing but soviet airforce for the last month at BR 3.

It has “decent enough” payloads and the best ap cannon ammo in the game presently


against bots, yes

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Skill issue

Except i was flying them when everyone was complaining germany was stacked (including yourself) and there were no soviets…

Yall too focused on the number infront of the bomb.


The Americans said

I wrote this because the developers didn’t clean up THEIR EXCELLENT BALANCE MECHANICS.

Pretty sure the “balance” is not tipped in Germany’s favor rn, just sayin


Earliest rockets, best AP cannon ammunition in the game, decent carpet bombing.

I-15 best starter plane (better than other nations)
IL 2 punches up br 2
SU-2 Punches up and good carpet bomb br 2
Sb-2, carpet bomb, troll maneuverabilty with turrets br 1
P-40 strong fighter payload br 2
IL-2 37, devastates any tank or plane in front of its cannons…and bombs for good measure br 3
Pe-3 is a brick but is fast, decent carpet bombing br 3
Yak-9T kills anything with nas 37
La-7 monster at this altitude

Soviets are not lacking in tools at all.

The point was, was on the Underdog faction…not bot games (besides bots dont fly or tank)


However, the numbers represented strength and fault tolerance, as well as the efficiency of suppressing enemy infantry clusters, which was far from enough for the Soviet Air Force.

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I still use the 1941 IL-2 on BR V since it’s one of the planes with the best uptime, payload-wise.

Su-2 is more meta than the A-20 Boston that’s 1 BR above it, people pick the P-40 E-1 as a poor replacement for the 500kg bomb that Germans and US get at the same BR.
And I don’t see why anyone would ever pick a flying brick like the Pe-2 with how few bombs it has.

Yes, Soviet airplanes are underequipped by comparison and they don’t usually make up for it with many redeeming factors - especially considering that payload is the only quality most pilots look for in their plane.

And it matches with my experience, I struggle to get the airplane slot in most of my US matches whereas on the Soviet side there’s rarely any plane except for the occasional Yak.

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So let’s take a look at Germany’s IAR: with a medium to high payload, flexible maneuverability, and powerful firepower of the same level, it is no less impressive even in the BR5. Ju87r2: 500kg is enough to crush all ground vehicles (which was also lacking in the Soviet Union). Ju188: Destructive carpet bombing (also not available in the Soviet Union). BF109: Its agile body and powerful anti-aircraft capabilities are enough to crush any enemy air force (only the La-7 in the Soviet Union could barely reach this level).



I need an event ju188…

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You do realise that all those planes you listed will lose in an air dominance fight to every soviet plane you just rebutted (exception being pe-3…its a brick)

IL 2 alone will out maneuver All of those (except 109 which is a dedicated fighter)

Payloads great and all…when you arent being sent back to spawn screen


No, I can use IAR to blow up one tank on the opposite side and then kill two planes on the opposite side in a row. This is the confidence that the agile body+MG151/20 gives me.