Balancing game missions - american bias

“Our approach to balancing game missions has been changed. Now the “capture time” of the same type of points will not differ in all missions. Points located in the open will be captured slightly faster, but they will also be identical to each other in all missions. In the future, we will not balance missions with the speed of capturing points.”

Do I understand correctly that the Americans will stop taking points in Normandy in 20-30 seconds, while the Germans will take 1 minute?
And do I understand correctly that the “capturing points” will be equal? Won’t it be that the Americans will get 200 points for taking a point, and the Germans 100?
And will the cost of bot squads be equal? Won’t it be that the Americans lose 9 points per squad in a mission, and the Germans 17?

can you explain the nuances

It’s just that if there’s still an injustice, your mission balance will be crap.



Well. if the mission imbalanced is fixed them american will be on the absolute weak side again. just look at what DF give americans. they have no efficient way against tiger2, fg422 or stg44. One of the few good gun the t20 need gold card and god knows when could you get the change to use the plane. And this has been going on for month after the merger and still we see DF have no sign or even thought about fixing this




Yes, now it will take 50/60 seconds on points with cover, and 30 seconds on open points for both factions


Amazing, Germany might become enjoyable to play again.
I have already noticed improvements in Axis playerbase during the weekend, I hope the trend continues.


There will be a new squad on Monday - naturally everyone is preparing

but I’m waiting for the new content of Japan, now the faction is garbage


datamine where?

Pershing comming, Drum Thompson and M2 Carbine are good enough to compete - especially since they are gonna fix the terrible sights of those guns.


That leaves the super bazooka

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Agree, US should get some decent AT weapon that can compete.

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He meant new German APC from ongoing event.


bonjour l’équilibre du jeu elle est nul tu joue en BR3 tu tombe avec du BR5 ou est l’équilibre
vous pourrissez le jeu alors qu’il était super a c’est début a bon entendeur