so nothing really worth the grind.
Few meh smg’s
Few meh lmg’s
Couple bolt-actions, yay…
and supplemented with copypasta.
So it all falls down are the maps intresting enough and judging the already released maps in different campaigns, no.
so nothing really worth the grind.
Few meh smg’s
Few meh lmg’s
Couple bolt-actions, yay…
and supplemented with copypasta.
So it all falls down are the maps intresting enough and judging the already released maps in different campaigns, no.
That’s your opinion, and I guarntee whatever copy past the Japanese get, it will be far better than any German Campaign. Besides, the AVS is a good weapon in this game, so whatever faults the Japanese weapons have can easily be patched out of the game.
well id argue the german moon event was far better than what we would get in pacific.
Sure if lack of weapons in certain area are fixed by making meh guns shoot lazorbeams and lightsabers then it probably could be somewhat intresting.
Yeah, well shit like the is for events and not campaigns, as it does not fall under the purview of WW2, so that point is moot. As for lacking weapons, you literally did not read anything I said. Japan has more than enough weapons and vehicles to match anything the Allies have with the devs current standards for historical accuracy.
well what does ? Prototype guns that never saw action in said front or use at all ?
I did, theres few meh smg’s that most likely would be same kind of bonerkillers as M38 beretta in moscow campaign.
Hardly being if at all being match against tommys / m3’s / m2 crybines allies would have. Unless ofc they get buffed beyond reasonable levels such as they would shoot rubberdicks that inflicts 30dmg and kills you twice, once instantly and another time when you respawn.
LMG’s ? Meh
BA ? Meh
Sure they have, if the allied arsenal gets nerfed to meet the lack of japanese arsenal.
Otherwise they aint even close match.
So it falls down to are the maps / campaign itself intresting enough to grind rather lack luster levels ?
And id guess no.
Well, according to the Devs, yes, and this is their game. However, no amount of mental gymnastics can make the Moon shit WW2.
Are you serious? The two Type 100 SMGs would be fine in game, as they have 30 round mags, and the ballistic performance of 8mm Nambu is about equal to that of 7.62 Tokarev, effectively making all Indigenous Japanese designs on par with the Soviet SMGs. The LMGs would also be fine in the context of the game, as the biggest issue they had IRL, that being inability to manufacture enough of them, does not exist in this game.
With the dev’s standard of “if it existed we can add it”, the few offenders can be balanced out with the Sherman going against the Chi Nu, the Garand going against the Type 4 Rifle and the M2 Carbine going against the Type Hei LMG or something. The way the game has set things up, balancing Japan won’t be too difficult. Seriously, I explained all this already, can you even read.
Neither does this game so your point is rather irrelevant.
except having less rof & ammo. So regardless how you look at it its inferior to what allies have.
And while the LMG remains entirely useless piece of shit its quite irrelevant as currently none LMG is actually worth the grind.
Which none saw service so we’re looking at about realistic ww2 experience as the moon nazis.
But thats not even the biggest issue, the fact that they are pretty much effectively shit and theres absolutely nothing worth the grind is the biggest issue.
But perhaps we can make one of those prototype guns to fire back of dicks perhaps that could make the japs intresting.
Are you serious? The Type 100/44 SMG has an ROF of 800 RPM, and a magazine size of 30 which makes it on par with a PPS 43. The Model 2 SMG which was fielded also has an ROF of 800 RPM and has a 50 round box mag which would put it on par with a Drum PPD. Stop generalizing and read a book.
Then explain to me why the BAR is still considered good, or why people have been complaining about the 1919a6.
Its on Par with the Federov and AVS in Berlin, T-50 and MkB in Moscow and Jumbo in Normandy. It was built, and would fit the game as it is now, as it was built and did exist during the time of the later battles in the Pacific. E-100s with plasma guns and Railguns on the other hand were never built.
I cannot stress this enough. Read a book before opening your mouth, or pressing the enter key. You might even get something through that thick skull of yours.
or par to PPD. Woaw, definitely will grind japs for that now.
Ive never found a single evidence it ever being used.
Every gun is good, some just are more effective in general and LMGs definitely aint.
Well atleast each one of those guns were actually used during the war, regardless some of them are in wrong place.
well actually they did build railgun.
plasma guns ? Well who knows after all if we’re adding weapons that never saw action I think the plasma guns fits just fine in that section.
I dont have to, regardless how many of your books I read the weapons you have introduced still remains shit from gameplay perspective and actually IRL as well.
So theres nothing intresting or even effective to grind for jap so we’re yet again at same point are the maps intresting enough ? No.
How much more do you expect? A PPD is already a good gun and literally no one else in WW2 had anything like the PPSh.
Really, how then were the British able to write a report on a captured gun in 1946, or the Chinese able to capture a gun to produce copies of it after the War? Sure, both of these things happened after the War, but if the gun never saw service, it probably could not have been captured to be experimented on or have copies made of it.
Seeing action is not the devs standard for adding things, the standard is if the weapon in question had a fully constructed version at the time of the battle. Type 4 Rifles and Chi Nus both had production versions by the end of 1944, so they both fall well into the what is considered historical enough for this game. Railguns and plasma cannons do not.
Intrest is opinionated and I guarntee you there are more people intrested in grinding out a potential Japan than Germany for the 6th time. Furthermore, I have already established Japanese weapons to be on par with other weapons in game. What more do you want, them to have weapons that completely tip the balance of the game in their favor?
Excuse me sir, perhaps you should read a book? And introduce yourself Kp31 that actually inspired sovjet union to develop theyr smg’s.
Lets put it this way, add a campaign that is full of jap style shit but at the end of campaign theres such a gem as Kp31. Would I grind for it ? IDK but atleast there would be something to grind for.
Il play along, lets say brits captured this piece of shit early as 1770 while raiding disneyland in murrica.
Where are the reports of it ever being used ?
Wheres the combat history of it ?
You mean like various german wonderweapons that were captured and never used ?
Ah didnt know as Im not dev, but since you seem to be speaking for them you probably have a topic about the subject?
Since it seems pretty much every gun in the game saw some kind of service regardless how limited it was.
Excluding gold ticket weapons ofc.
Doesnt exactly change the fact that in general what pacifics have to offer here is about intresting as campaign of Sweden where your only task is to drive already implemented trains.
Yeah, theyr “high end” guns are par on what other nations have at low levels. Just cant wait to get my hands on reskinned Mp28 or PPd34 and fight those tommy / m2 wielding murricans.
Sounds about fun as early levels of moscow campaign as axis, with that exception it wont get any better as campaign progresses.
Well they aint even on par so you really need some black magic dickery to get them on even such level that they would be intresting.
Just like you don’t care about Japanese stuff, I care little about Finnish weapons. The European theaters never intrested me much outside of the the exploits of the 8th Army Airforce.
That is the question, where did they get it? Since neither of us can read Japanese, and thus cannot find the reporting of when they used said weapons, we need to rely on the sources in English, Chinese, or whatever other language you can read. For the English sources, You think they had it shipped in from Japan after the war, or was it captured like most other weapons from the Axis powers that the Allies got their hands on? I think I know which one is more likely, but I’ll let you try and figure it out.
No, because most of them were never completed. The only one that could be added with the rules the devs set for themselves is the Maus.
Do you even read the dev notes? Here is one of the most quoted excerpts from the June Q&A from last year.
“Therefore, we use the following principle of adding content: if equipment and weapons existed during the battles reflected in the game’s campaign, they have a chance to appear in the campaign itself.”
Link to the blog: Developer’s Q&A - June - News - Enlisted
Nowhere do the devs mention the weapon or vehicle had to see service, only that it has to exist.
So you are telling me a drum PPD equivalant would not be able to compete with Thompsons? Noted.
No you don’t, you just need to eliminate the reliability issues which the game does anyways.
Nah its fine, in different game.
Well atleast they had something to grind for.
And you still chose the game without your preferred campaign ?
Im willing to take combat history in english as well. Not necessarily need to be in japanese or chinese.
Im quite sure its your burden to figure it out, after all its your suggestion not mine.
Well let me know which one it was once you figure it out.
well im quite sure many of them were infact completed, very least in prototype.
Even such campaign consisting only these proto guns would be more intresting in comparison what pacific has to offer.
Would I ask if i did ?
Well that settles the matter, while it still remains shit it can be added. Yay.
I dont recall japs having drums, or is this is yet again one of those “But they surely did build one !”
Yeah, all you need is little bit of black magickery and japs are intresting. Noted.
Well, the Japanese wrote their combat history in you guessed it, Japanese so you kind of need to read, you guessed it, Japanese to understand it. Oh but please do tell how you think you are going to get 70 year old Japanese logistical paperwork and inventory reports in English, I would love to know.
Well if you use your common sense, you would arrive at the conclusion that the most probable answer is that the Type 2 SMG that the British aquired was captured. Combined with the fact that we know for sure that the Chinese did capture at least one to make a copy of, and we can reasonably assume that indeed the gun was used.
Most of those are Tanks that never even had a finished prototype, or Strategic bombers which only one of which will be added to the game. The few small arms on that list that even fit the devs standards for adding a gun are either in the game already, or in the game files. Regardless, it is substantially less new content than what we could get from a Pacific campaign.
Not the point, the point is that is the devs standard and that is what we have to work off of. Complain to the high heavens all you like.
Did I not mention the Type 2 SMG with a 50 round box mag was about equal to a drum mag PPD? Oh wait, I did, and you didn’t refute it.
So what, you want them to add jamming back into the game?
Well there were quite alot of weapons being captured regardless they were never used. So you still fail to point out its usage / combat history
Hmmm, obsolete smg’s and LMGs with few new BA’s.
Or stg / FG, “jet fighter” & maus for example.
Yeah i think your campaign with obsolete stuff is alot more intresting.
Not sure how 50 equals 71. I did skip few classes in math but Im fairly certain they aint equal.
Even without jamming your jap weapons are shit.
Again, unless you can read Japanese, neither of us can disprove the other. All I’m saying is with the evidence presented, it is more likely they were used than not. However, this part of the argument is besides the point as we have established what is important is if the weapon existed, not if it saw service.
How about the some best piston aircraft of the Second World War, and CAS that can actually rival that of the Americans without having to resort to strategic bombers. No? Ah well, I guess some of us just want to play Germany for the umpteenth time.
Also, what would adding a new German campaign even bring. You can already add most of the wonder weapon shit to Normandy or Berlin.
I said effectively the same as, not Identical. Seriously, learn to read. The 50 round mag will have 150 rounds with the way ammo counts are balanced in this game which would make it one of the largest ammo pools in the game, even larger than that of the box mag PPD at 142 rounds. Furthermore, 50 rounds is also enough for a good while of sustained fire at 800 RPM, and the reload rate will likely be smaller because it is a box mag. With this, it would offer the same effective capabilities as the PPD.
Really, I fail to see how weapons that are on par with weapons in game are in your words “shit”. Or is every weapon in game shit.
well thats just … “Ive got prove right here to support my argument but you just need to learn japanese to disprove me”
Fine il play along, theres documents right at fort knox that proves japanese army didnt even exist during pacific war. You just need to get that document.
What evidence ? Bring the evidence.
So 1-2 players can enjoy the japanese faction while everyone else in ground is either bot or just enjoy suffering ?
Except they aint. 7.62x25 tokarev was considered crappy. But the rather high rate of rof and magazine capacity made up pretty much the down sides of the 7.62x25.
Then we have 8x22 nambu, il just quote wikipedia.
so your looking at gun that would have less dmg than what currently least having smg has.
Well the 8x22 nambu does quite well resemble the jap guns.
6.5x50 ? Spitzer was somewhat exception.
But yeah, generally. Just absolute shit.
That’s not the point. The point is neither of us have access to any primairly sources, so we have to turn to secondary sources to find answers. Or do you want to keep ramming your head into a brick wall.
The Chinese got their hands on one and manufactured a copy? The British
Forces in India got their hands on one and experimented with it? I literally mentioned both of these in a previous post.
It s only suffering in your eyes because you don’t care for the Japanese weapons. I get it, asking you to grind out a Japanese campaign is tough because you don’t really care for anything they have to offer. I too cannot be bothered to play the Russians because they have nothing of intrest to me as well.
Remind me why does .30 Carbine which has double the energy of a .45 ACP round do less damage than a .45? Oh right, the devs can tweak values to make the game work better.
My guy, half of all the Japanese weapons that can be added are 7.7, which is basically just .303.
Well it pretty much is.
Funny that you mention it, if I recall Kp31 for example was actually found during korean war.
One could argue it was sent by USSR to china but I think that it proves that finland was actually able to assault thru out entire soviet union and fought against china while doing so.
Yeah not in this game.
Id guess its probably due to fact that its exactly how it should be ?
Well o’boy thats just awesome, and which guns did use this absolute beast of round ? BA rifles ? Well o’boy I cant wait to grind for some seriously unique BA rifles because theres simply not a single another BA rifle in the game. Totally changed my opinion and cant wait to grind these
Seriously? That’s your strawman? Do you honestly beleive that the Japanese would send SMGs to China after the war? Fun fact, most of the Japanese prototypes were thrown in a lake to prevent capture, and after the war the ones that remained were dismantled. So maybe the British forces got theirs then, but there is no way in hell the Chinese got theirs because of the Japanese surrender.
Its for balance reasons. The .30 carbine would onetap if it was realistically balanced, but that would make the M1 Carbine and the M2 Carbine completely OP.
Type 99 LMG, Type 92 LMG, Type 94 LMG, Type 4 Rifle, etc. In fact, the only Japanese bolt action chambered in 7.7 is the type 99 rifle. Besides, no one is forcing you to play the Japanese when they come out, you can always just not play them if you don’t care, like a normal person.