Please no new campaign the playerbase is already to small for 5 campaigns

Mostly play against boots, the current campaigns should be better revised with new uniforms maps weapons squads etc. This game has so much potential


9999999999999th post about it…

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They should deliver new campaigns, but must enable cross campaign matchmaking.

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you mean like, if a soviet from moscow campaign could match-make in berlin and stalingrad?

yes. like war thunder, there could be historic matchmaking along with arcade mode
I mean that’s the only way people gets to play more campaigns while having enough live people on both sides.


I’m almost not active on the forum to get this…

I’m not convinced there aren’t enough players for a new campaign, but even so; that idea would only fragment the population more


I would vote for ONE MORE campaign and after that… Nothing but adding endless amounts of maps.


Fighting as a Japanese infantry man would be amazing.

Also, Asian campaign would be very easy to expand to cover multiple islands/ territories.

American/ British weapons and systems are already there regardless?

After that the whole 6 campaigns of WWII would be COMPLETE.

  • Then just adding stuff more and more and the game would keep on going.
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If anythink a french campaign would be better, or a 1945 american vs germany would do

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Are you insane, we already have 5 German factions in game, and Axis suffers because of it. We don’t need any more Germany, that playerbase is stretched to it’s limit already. Burma is probably the campaign that will do the least amount of damage to the playerbase split as it will be a properly Commonwealth faction against the Japanese, both of which will be novel enough to avoid splitting mains, although it is possible that the devs could get away with one more US campaign with something like the recapture of the Philippines or Okinawa.


I must agree with OP. But the train is already going, because it makes huge piles of money for developers, as new campaign gives new breath after burn outs in other “undone” campaigns, and we have the formula that going :wink:

can how would a jap vs allieds be balanced? in any regard? all the jap tanks and planes are worse, and all the weapons would be rather shat as well?
content wise the pacific is a dead end

Well, the devs have stated that if a weapon existed at the time of the battle, they can add it. This opens the door to things like the Type 4 rifle and the Chi Nu to balance things like the Garand and Sherman. Also, Japanese aircraft are fine, the Ki 84 is probably one of the best fighters of WW2, and is better than any German prop driven aircraft that actually went into service. Seeing as the Americans still fielded Wildcats (granted, in addition to Hellcats and Corsairs) in Okinawa, the Zeros and Ki 61 can round off the fighters and still be balanced. Japan doesn’t lack attacker aircraft either, with the D4s and B7a2 having some pretty potent payloads. Do a bit of research before jumping to conclusions.


so what else? if they add more to one they have to add more stuff to the others

What do you mean by that? The Garand and the Sherman are the two biggest imbalances in the pacific war, and the presence of the Type 4 Rifle and the Chi Nu solves that issue. There are enough SMGs, LMGs, other rifles, AT weapons, lighter tanks and aircraft to fill the other 38 levels. It’s not as hard as you think, and it would be preferable to a 6th German campaign.


what would you add to compensate for britsh weapons(as many have stated they want) or the m1 carbine, or the tommy guns/m3
the brownings?
or are we jsut going to cut them out?

M1 Carbine can be matched against an SMG like in Normandy, or the Type Hei Rifle which did see service in the Japanese army at Okinawa, and was captured by the Americans. As for LMGs and SMGs are you serous? Japan made all sorts of those. The Type 96 and Type 99 LMGs were the standard issue weapons, and they are basically just Brens but in 6.5 and 7.7 Arisaka respectively. There is also the Type 92 LMG, which is just a Lewis Gun. As for SMGs, you have the two variants of the Type 100 SMG, the Experimental Model 2 SMG which again despite being a prototype was fielded and captured by the Allies, as well as a wide assortment of Bergmann type SMGs like the MP 34 or the Sig 1920. Seriously, read a book.


This game is kind of designed to devolve into bot matches, every aspect of it leads to more bot squads. Maybe Enlisted only gets closer to its intended form with each new campaign reducing the number of active players per campaign…

and then what’s left for gold order weapons and premium squads?

Type 11 LMGs, Experimental Model 1 SMG, the compeditors for the Type Hei, the Tokyo Arsenal SMGs, tons of stuff. Again, read a book. Japan will be fine.