Strawman ? I thought your argument is its used in combat because it was found after war.
And regardless, im still waiting the combat document.
Quite far from one tap.
Terminal ballistics, read a book.
Damn, all the good stuff. Useless LMG’s and BA rifle. Yayyyyyy.
No shit, so all this arguing was entirely futile ? Woaw, thanks mate I really thought im forced to play it. Now as we got that cleared out im totally in for adding japanese with obsolete guns because we need alot more of those.
Evidently your reading comprehension needs work, because I said the Chinese captured one during the war, which they then produced copies of after the war. It is undeniable fact that the copies were produced from a Type 2 SMG that they captured.
Yes yes, I’m well aware of the fact that more thing affect a bullets performance, but even taking those things into account does not account for how downgraded .30 carbine is compared to .45 ACP.
Why do you even care if they add Japan then? You can get your Wonder weapons in the pre-existing campaigns, and forget about the pacific campaign if it releases.
Again, unless you know Japanese, neither of us can prove combat. However, the existence of the Chinese copy and it’s documentation proves that the gun was fielded, and was in a position where the Chinese were able to gain possession of it. Where do you think the Chinese got such a gun? The Japanese forces in China. What were the Japanese forces doing in China? Shooting at the Chinese. Have I spelled it out clearly or would you like a crayon drawing to further simplify it.
I have, and it says .30 carbine has more than double the power of .45 ACP.
There is littetally no point in having another Germany campaign in this game. The playerbase is split and Moscow and Tunisia Axis are severly underpopulated as is. Your so called “better campaigns” would only further exasterbate this problem. Pacific may have balancing issue, and it may not be your cup of tea, but it is the campaign that will do the least amount of damage to the playerbase split.
How about you you go play Wolfenstien instead of calling for these wonder weapons in this game, and then I’ll go play World at War or something. Deal?
at this point you can provide the japanese one too.
They made the copy of the gun 1946.
armory ? Ambushed supply route ?
Yes please.
Well, no you havent.
7.62x25 tokarev 90gr bullet has ~ 490J muzzle energy
.45 250gr bullet has ~480J muzzle energy
And still, .45 transfers more energy to target than 7.62 tokarev latter actually known for overpenetration.
Read a book.
Who said anything about german campaign ?
With that logic theres no reason to add campaigns at all as any new campaign would split the playerbase even further.
Well if you mean it wont split playerbase due to fact that no one plays it, sure I can agree with that.
But why add it at all then ?