Play Enlisted fairly!

LOL, Playing just like I am playing in a empty match. Because no one enter and play together with me.
I do not vote kick anyone. And I do play with some organized match to explore custom match’s possibility.
Then got rolled back?

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Probably I repeat myself, but I want to personally answer you too. We are not punishing for a machine gun. We punish for a deliberate attempt to break the game, to deceive it. You don’t cheat the game using a machine gun. You cheat the game by plugging the passages in the building, hiding in a single room and getting 1-2-3 thousand frags. Such a player perfectly understands that he is doing something cunning and wrong, but he CONTINUES TO DO THIS dozens of battles.

Such a player will ruin the game for you too, if he has such an opportunity. He will get into the model of the house and will kill you from the wall, he will be the first to use the modifications of the game and will do many more bad things.

And we will not allow and will not spare him. And we are sure that we are doing everything right.


Yeah, I must be this kind of guy.
That even has the evil heart to make Wiki for the community???

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I’ll have to hope that the two people I’ve seen claiming to have been unfairly rolled back were either lying or accidentally swept up by an automated system. A right action, with mistakes in its implementation, can have negative side effects, and I won’t blame y’all for them if legitimate mistakes are corrected.


We have released the first solution. There are ideas, but their implementation takes time.


10 out of 10 criminals are innocent. :slight_smile:


Oh, but you are wrong here. You don’t need to trap the AI on Airfield if you let them take the first cap point and then simply cover the second cap point with a machine gun, which you can find on top of the bunker (to the right side of the map), or just build it yourself. This is not against rules, since you don’t exploit anything: Enlisted 2021 10 28 16 33 30 04 - YouTube

If you’re talking about this screenshot ( which I posted on the official Enlisted Discord channel, it was done exactly like that, and again, it didn’t go against any of your rules. Also, the XP gained from that match was less than what I would usually get in a normal match, and the only reason I even played custom games was because I wanted to level up certain squads, since LF was removed on the same day the custom games update rolled out, and that was the easiest method of doing it. Also, I even stated in my comment that I would never do it again (not because it was illegal), since it was like double or triple the amount of work compared to a non-custom game, and after that I’m fairly certain that I took the easy way and switched to LF mode:

Also, don’t forget that the Airfield map has balloons which can be blown up and increase the amount of tickets (by both defenders and attackers), which again, is not against the rules, since no one was ever punished (if that’s even the right word) for it in a normal game, pre custom games. Imagine if that would have been the case, being punished for blowing baloons, instead of making it so that they can only be destroyed by attackers and not defenders.

That being said, some of the calculations made were flawed and punished people for simply playing against the bots.



Of course you can do what ever you want to us.
EULA is on your side.
You can explain it in the way that benefit you.

Really appreciated the answer, because I started to feel uhm “unsafe” like I could do something (unintentionally) wrong and getting punished for that. And I do not want to risk that. So thank you very much for the personal answer!

We tracked down and checked the sessions of each punished player. This is not a blind search and punishment.

They were people with millions of experience.



This is the kind of Millions???
Are your Math OK?

Also I just happen to have all those XP booster because I decided to store them before.

It’s just a something a bit higher base XP’s match. That a common empty custom match.

Oh damn, I’m actually happy to have been wrong here. I really didn’t expect that y’all would have taken the time to do all the manual legwork of checking the results, that’s my mistake. Thanks for taking the time to respond to that, for me at least it helps keep the faith that y’all are on top of the issues.

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In 15 sessions, you did not have any questions that opening the entire campaign in one evening - does it look strange?

Please. Stop playing the role of the victim. You understood everything perfectly.


thats 342,790 XP on average per match… Yeah i’m with Keo, something definitely going on here lol


they are not for sure 10,000xp per game

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Where is this 5M XP from?
Tell me. This game has a base XP of 200 per min.
I only have several hours to play.
I did not buy much XP booster (only 1 or 2 for testing if it’s working in custom match)
200xp/min x2.25 x 4 x 60 min/h x 8h=864000XP
Where T F 5M comes from???

Also my Tunis’ Allies is already at LV23, Axis at LV22. How can I unlock the entire campaign???

I wrote this wiki. And I knows how difficult it is from LV1 to LV22

Here it is.
Tell me,
Where are those 5M XP???

Also here’s my Golds’ count
I only bought 1 BP level for a XP booster during this period

And no other gold’s purchase.


Where is that 5M come from?

Are you counterfeit database to accuse a player???



There is no way that a player with P-47 or Panther is not significantly different from the newcomers. P-47 can farm kills across the whole map and Panther on the mountain can destroy 15+ Stuarts. Please give us a matchmaking system instead of nerfing everything, it’s already too bad(since that your only way to balance weapons is to give them too much dispersion) that too many weapons cannot be accurate even at 100m(not a long distance in real life)