Play Enlisted fairly!

Simping= abiding rules we agreed to in order to play the game instead of trying victimizing ourselfs after shitting on them and getting caught.
Okay, sure.

I´m not defending Darkflow here, in fact I´m one of those “crybabies” criticizing a lot of their bad decisions, and yes, all this could have been easily avoided. But that does NOT make YOU entitled to exploit bugs. If you can´t understand it, that is your loss.


Didn’t ask for proof, simply stated you can point that out without insulting people. It’s such an easy concept that you just managed to do it in this quote.

He may be under no obligation to be delicate, but the guidelines clearly advise against the kind of vitriol he wrote. As for the line, that’s not for me to decide, that’s the mods job. All I do is call it out and wait.

There’s a difference between being right in an insulting way and being right in a reasoned way. There’s no excuse for being shitty on these forums (outside of mess room.)

you know I didn’t notify the mods of anything Ghost said until he started sending me insulting and sexually explicit DMs, right?

Could have just, I dunno, not responded at all. Would have been a better choice

Nah, you just need to avoid fallacy and insults, no one needs sources to support an opinion, and I generally don’t care what your opinion is.


its a prevention vs cure sort of thing. i have no issue with not wanting people to exploit but this is naturally gonna happen when the matchmaking of this game is absolutely broken and unfair, but all they’ve done is slap several plasters on what is essentially a third degree burn

if you think the words ‘simp’ and ‘nerd’ are vitriol… i don’t even know what to say


So when are bots going to be re-enabled? @Keofox
If you have any knowledge of it

This is not true. We know how to calculate statistics and can distinguish a long session from a session of ONE cunning and twenty AI in a trap. The innocent players weren’t hurt. Don’t mislead us.


This is a beautiful example of a difference of opinion, clearly stated and without personal attacks.

Of course they should have seen this coming. In fact they were warned even on this very forum in advance that this is abusable and it is stupid that we have to deal with this in the first place.
But that is not an excuse to actually go out of our way to exploit the shit out of it and then play surprised after it is punished.

The mechanics work well and the custom games are a lot of fun. Only dishonest players suffered. Honest players play and enjoy the game. :slight_smile:


well, i apologise sincerely from the bottom of my heart for any emotional trauma i may have caused with my awful rhetoric


I’m not enjoyig this game recenlty, i did 6 moths ago

We will be more attentive in the future. However, this does not give the right to exploit the error. I’ll tell you more. Knowing about a mistake and deliberately exploiting it is even worse than not knowing. :frowning:


Okay just another thought about all the “fairness”.
It is fair to “farm” XP from human players on D-Day, like with the Panther, just grey zone and there is little the enemy can do. Is this “fair”?
Or to have some fun I bought one of these additional troop/vehicle slots on Normandy, and some times I feel like playing “Luftwaffe” so I constantly spawn in one of three planes and bomb the other team to the stone age, getting lots and lots of XP, which transfers to lots of bronze order, which I turn use in Berlin to get weapons. Is this “fair”.
Or to put it in another way, “seal clubbing” is fair if the one being clubbed is a human and not a bot. I just want to understand … .

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The bots are bugged. Do i just let them kill me to not exploit them?

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Fair enough. Do you have any info on how XP farming could be limited in the future? Seems like a simple XP cap on custom games would work well enough?


Keo, since you are here already - what’s up with map rotations? Why are we stuck with the “new” maps on Moscow so much? Quarry is like the worst map, and it’s in endless loop on Moscow. And the Beloe Lake assault is also pretty cringy.

Any word on when map rotations will be fixed?

-What about that shadowy place that’s?
-This is White Lake, bots are dying there alone.


never like playing swamp 5 times in a row

:rofl: lmao good this one


We would like to see these players not significantly different from the newcomers. It’s so much more interesting than separating you.

We are working to improve the balance of weapons - this is one of the ways.

In tournaments in the future, it is possible to divide by skill level. for example, a tournament with ONLY high campaign level.



Tell me, where is the TRAP?

Also for Beloe.

Those stucked AI actually almost cause me to lose this match!