Play Enlisted fairly!

I just want to point out the bug on Beloe Lake was reported a month and a half ago and wasn’t ever patched. Kinda hard to say

this when it was the fault of the map, and it was a reported bug. I’m not defending the exploits but I think it’s important to point out how these issues could very easily have been avoided.

EDIT: heres the post btw


Find them and report them, not to exploit the shit out of them

And you are being oblivious moron if you think that ignoring the rules makes you free to use exploits and break those rules. Ignoration of the rules that you agreed to is your problem, honestly.



that is all I have to say, about this whole thing :smile: :smile:


I would also like to add that in addition to getting stuck in a door, at some point they go to die in the lake alone


If they automated detection for the exploit based on battle results data, this would probably get flagged, and if they automated the response, it would probably result in no gain, like the match never happened. Which probably doesn’t matter, since they removed 90% of the bots and reduced the reward for winning a match with less than four players by ~80% IIRC.

It’s easier to test the exploit and record the data, which leads to faster and better fixes. There’s a difference between testing an exploit and reporting your data and abusing an exploit though, so you’re basically right.


That’s clever. How come I never think of these things? lol

Although, when I saw the new mode - I did get a feeling you could derp it, somewhere

Just a question as you are talking about fair gameplay. Are you going to implement sort of tiered matchmaking? I often seen 1-3 players with end campaign stuff that totally dominate the match if there are no players with high tech gear on the other side. It is not much fun as a teammate because they simply mow everything with FG42s, Panthers or bombers and there is not much to shoot at and the 90% game is fought along to gray line as they target the spawn lines. It is not fun on the receiving end neither when 2 jumbos play on open map like airfield supported by bomber and we have none, I felt abused several games in a row and nearly rage quilted when you try hard but can do nothing it is frustrating.

Pffffff I really do not know how to feel about all of that,
I am a premium user, I get double the XP that free players get and still, it is at times way to grindy for me. Leveling mortar squads is a pain (well there was a time were you had unlimited shots when you had the engineer).
When ever I get a new squad I try to level it first on D-Day, with the stationary MG. Is that considered unfair as well? I mean in normal games, not custom. If I do the same in custom it is unfair, or what?
I just want to understand.


Yes, I agree, gets one sided a lot. How would you balance that? Also, there aren’t enough players still, specially PC side, on locked campaigns like Moscow.

You can take out those jumbos with clever sneak up, and 1 explosives. But I agree, balance is needed.

PS OH, and dont play Airfield lol That should be advise number 1 :smile:

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False equivalency, Ad hominem.

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›buzzword buzzword
He’s not wrong, bud


They made all this (poor) damage control in order to stop people farming millions of xp per match, which is understandable.

But setting the “abuse detector” bar so low that it punishes people who just had the misfortune of having really good honest matches? Heck no.


Two logical fallacies he actually used, one of which is grounds for a suspension as a community guidelines violation.
If he’s not wrong, he should be perfectly capable of attacking ideas instead of people and making exaggerated comparisons.
edit, for the lulz: I’m not your bud, guy


I did take some jumbos with explosives but it is not always possible since they are not stupid and keep driving with the blob of infantry that usually spots and kills me sooner or they stay far away in open so you cannot sneak to them unless they or anybody else spots you.

There should be IMHO better AT options earlier, like engineer AT gun should or AT troopers should really be buffed. Gameplay wise it should work like rock-paper-scissors but AT trooper is weak until you unlock high end gear and AT gun is not great against end game armor.


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Yeah yeah, I do that too, when tanking - stay with infantry, keep distance, etc. Experienced tankers will do that.

Like I was saying tho - don’t play Airfield. lol problem solved :smile:

What is this reddit shit “noo u have to give proper proof that Gaijin is a shit dev that’s shit on the community for nearly a decade now”
He’s under no obligation to be delicate about it and nothing he’s said is over the line
Go PM the mods like you did the other day then before they head off for the evening

If he isn’t wrong he isn’t wrong
Simple as

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was beloe lake changed so it have more bot spawns then only 1 house where every bot get stuck.

Yesterday in match where 3 man farmer team got over 5000 bot kills there was 1 house blocked by sand bags and full of bots. I got vote kicked cause i run in grey zone and tried blast those barricades with tnt.

yes map is bugged but it still needs players to block ai if they want endless farm


You’re going to catch a vacation after a certain individual PMs the mods like the good little boy he is
For causing “dissent within the community”

i sincerely hope nobody would sink to such a level. calling somebody a nerd is hardly bad. i ‘attacked the idea’ with my initial post on this thread, and i would be repeating myself to any reply, i do not need to employ fucking political debate skills on a thread about a problem the devs caused themselves by a massive lack of foresight