Plane Spawn Rework + Airfield for Other Maps

Currently in the game we have 3 ways to appear: the first in the water, with the seaplanes, their ammunition reloading area should be the closest to the game area since they are quite slow, those that appear in carrier must have a system that allows them to accelerate a little faster to be able to exit the ship in a more optimal way and the area to reload their ammunition is the current one, those that appear in the air must appear even further than they already do and their reload area ammunition is the furthest of the three, this is for Pacific, for other Campaigns, planes will appear in air,but they must do FAR THAN NOW,and force them to repair/refill on a designated airfield so they won’t spam them a lot


Look at this:


I have to wait a minute to be able to go to the game with the plane. Now should I appear even further? What will solve the fact that the pilots will be the first minutes of the AFK game?

If they add heavier bombs, I’m not against it. And playable bombers. Otherwise it will just be another nerf for planes.

What @Myrm1don suggested isn’t a nerf. At all.

Unless you’re one of those shit pilots who love to suicide bomb in a straight line.

What he proposed is a revamp of plane gameplay, with added airfields. Funnier. Also discourage suicide bombing.


But the problem is that the games don’t last that long. If I have to land at an airport and climb high to avoid anti-aircraft fire, I want heavier bombs. And the bombsight on the bombers. With the current state of the game, if what he suggests is implemented, how many times per game would I attack ground targets? Twice? Maybe three times?

Been doing perfectly well in Pacific with carriers. Would merely import this system with airfields in maps without sea.


You don’t have to land in the Pacific to reload. And there is a catapult on the ship. You can’t land on it, it’s too small for that.

In addition, I do not have complete control over enlisted aircraft. The turn signal does not work. I can’t manually control the engines and the oil. If I get hit by anti-aircraft fire and have an oil leak, I can’t shut down the engine or control the oil in any way.

I think it’d be better to remove the lead indicator for AA, maybe all of them. Maybe even tank Penetration indicators. We wouldn’t need to give bigger bombs and smoke would affect things.

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Even so, with the current length of the game, forcing planes to land and take off would be silly. Airplanes would be useless. Removing the indicator would only affect player-controlled anti-aircraft guns and machine guns.

I think you misunderstood.

Planes would only need to take off from the airfields, when first spawning.

The method to resupply would remain in the air as usual.

The benefits of airfields would be 3 ways (lol)

  • tone down shit pilots using planes as guided missiles, as they’d have to take the time to take off.
  • offer a way for damaged planes to get repairs, when successfully landing.
  • offer a buffer zone of protection, as those airfields would be defended by powerful AA, like carriers.

Those are only benefits. There’s no bad points to airfields.


If the ammo replenishment was left in the air, then it could be good. But heavier planes would have to take off above the airport.


ALL spawning planes should take off from the field (or carrier).

Heavy planes are usually carrying bombs. We want to prevent assholes from suicide bombing after a quick spawn.


Then I don’t agree with it. Aircraft like the JU 188 would then drop the first bombs 5 minutes after the game started.

Doesnt take that long to get airborne.

Currently you have to wait a minute and a half before you can spawn at the start of the game.

With the airfield system there is no waiting, and you could make it to target in, or before the time it takes currently (dependent on plane speed), albiet at a lower energy.

You will have to make a choice…rush to drop bombs, or gain some more energy first for less risk.

The main difference is if you crash or get shot down, you have to start again.

Currently if you take any damage, you will slowly fall out of the sky, airfields gives you an option to repair.

Also dont forget that it protects you (the pilot) and the footslogger and tanker from swift revenge. If someone wants to revenge bomb you or hunt you, they cant just spawn in and beeline straight away

Also AA generally overlaps or is close to the resupply point


Literally no downside to airfields in my eyes - adds a lot more to the game.

Land for repairs (or even to change squads with no ticket loss), no waiting to spawn in at the start or having to die to spawn a plane, no camping the spawn, option to evade other planes to safety of the airifield AA. Resupply would be the same.

Makes the plane game much more dynamic - and more balanced in the case of the Pacific as nobody would get an advantage from mid air spawns.

This is one of the ideas I’m most keen to see implemented!


Indeed! That’s because there’s none.

It would boost so much aviation gameplay in my eyes! I already love carriers but land planes also need to benefit from this.

I dream of the day devs release the dev blog of the next major update:
“Flying furry!” “Death from above!” “The flight of the valkyries!”

Or something similar with the proposed mechanics.


I don’t know what to write about that, it’s simply not true. Anyone who has played war thunder, at least realistic games, knows that this is not true. Before the plane starts up, before you take off, before you climb up…

I would like to see a plane from the Second World War with bombs that in a minute and a half after starting the engine will be at an altitude of 2000 m at cruising speed.