Plane Spawn Rework + Airfield for Other Maps

I’ve written to you before and I’ll write to you again. Aircraft carriers have a catapult.


Not in Enlisted, catapults aren’t implemented and planes take off by themselves.

There is a catapult on the aircraft carrier even if it is not visible.

Oh, so the Dauntless plane will take off by itself on such a short runway? Are you serious?

You can use the edit button instead of writing multiple posts, you know…

he probably doesnt know (he join feb 9 after all)

Can I put several in one?

It’s better than spamming the thread… use the lil “pencil” icon. Or, don’t try to answer too fast to be sure you included all you wanted yo say :sweat_smile:

I don’t understand those icons. To those planes. The take-off of some planes also requires a 1,500-meter runway. From starting the engines to retracting the landing gear is more than 60 seconds for some aircraft. The climb rate of some planes is only 4 m/s. It also takes some time to reach cruising speed. For heavier planes with bombs, it takes even more than 5 minutes from starting the engines to reaching a height of 2000 meters. And no, planes don’t really take off from ships in Enlisted by themselves.

Sadly, yes. Try it. Try steering a bit too right or left, you’ll see you’re not on rail (catapult) at all. Or better yet, play with throttle power: you’ll realize nothing “pulls” your plane ahead.

The only thing carriers DO have, are invisible sandows that effectively stop and almost break 85% of the time your plane, when landing. But that’s ok since it disappears and you respawn in a fresh, mint one.

As for all other stats and values you mentioned… You must realize. This is Enlisted. This is NOT a flight simulation! Everything is very arcade and tweaked in favour of gameplay.

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Warthunder maps are alot bigger, with airfields alot further away.

And you need score to spawn planes

Also warthunder had a mechanic for really heavy planes (at least it used to) where the plane eoukd spawn in flight but 2 meters above the runway

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The fact that there is no catapult shown does not mean that it is not simulated. The longest take-off area on an aircraft carrier is about 300 meters. It is impossible for Dauntless to take off on such a short runway. Dauntless needs a runway of at least a kilometer to take off. Maybe you could read something about these planes or watch War Thunder.

The same distance would have to be in the enlisted game, and you don’t need early in the simulator and realistic games. Landing for heavier aircraft starts about 10 kilometers from the airport. The plane doesn’t slow down and take off in seconds, this isn’t GTA Online.

In real life

…in warthunder and enlisted you can go full noise right up to the last km then burn off all your speed in seconds with sharp maneuvers, throttle, air brakes and flaps (also not putting your wheels down pulls you up so quick on the deck)…

Even in planes as big as a lancaster…and there is nothing that heavy in enlisted

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Not every aircraft has an aerodynamic brake. Extending the landing gear and flaps in Enlisted and War thunder will cause them to tear off. This is simulated in Enlisted. If you don’t believe me, get on a plane and try it yourself. Sharp maneuvers will break the wings. This is also in Enlisted.

At the wrong speed thresholds. Part of the learning processs.

Trust me im commenting on something ive done 1000s of times

It doesn’t change the point. You still can’t land at full speed in a few seconds.

No one said that

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Eheh good luck :laughing:
I tried explaining this is arcade, not simulation and not even like WT…
To no avail.

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I wrote to you that you are wrong and you should try it yourself. You are spreading misinformation.