Plane Spawn Rework + Airfield for Other Maps


He’s gonna pop his Title in your face. It happened once and it was…

Glorious :laughing:

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Just now I was trying it and my landing gear and flaps came off.

Burn off your speed first. Cut throttle to zero, and bank hard left then right a few times (or just continue the turn in a mini circuit). Will bleed that excess speed

This cannot be done with a large aircraft. And even if it could, it would take so long. You simply can’t land a large plane at less than 5 km.

It’s not about landing, it’s about taking off. No one will play planes if the first bombs fall after 3-5 minutes. If only they added bigger bombs.

Sorry…your reply was at the start of my work day. So in response to

I used a slow heavy plane, airfield no spawn delay (as proposed in Airfield Idea), vs a Fast P-47 air spawn current 1 minute Spawn delay to Ram it home.

Lancaster vs P 47 (

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Enemy planes don’t exist? If I was in the game against you, I’ll just wait until you get out of AA airfield range and shoot your pilot.

that reeeeeeeally has nothing to do with the quotes responded too…

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It has a lot to do with the theme. If the airport was that close, enemy fighters would just circle around and wait for someone to take off. This would happen even if the airport was 10-15 kilometers away.

It is also questionable how far DF wants to go in the simulation. If I spun like that in the simulator, I would lose lift and crash. In realistic games, you have an instructor.

You omitted entirely a very important point of @Myrm1don suggestion: airfields, would be AA protected, just like carriers. Perhaps even more so.

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Good thing enlisted isnt simulator aye?

Would the entire map be protected? Players can learn where the area is that is not protected by AA. Players already know the maps so well that they know where the spawn is and place AP mines there.

How do you know it won’t be in the future? The game is constantly changing.

… You really overestimate the average pilot, mate (I’m Aussie for today, K @Myrm1don ?).
I’ve lured a countless number of pursuers over my own carriers, and they ALL took the bait. Still do to this day.

But. I believe you’re just one of those who really don’t want to give any room for others arguments. You may not know this, but you’re arguing with one of the many notorious “fly boys” here (not me, I’m not notorious yet).

It feels like, you try to oppose new ideas, just for the sake of opposing them and have the last word. All your arguments are debunked one after the other, yet you persist.

So think what you may, respectfully, we are done here. @Myrm1don air revamp, is a fantastic suggestion, acclaimed by many here, even if you personally don’t like it.

Best of days mate!

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So how do you refute my argument where fighter jets would circle around an enemy airport and wait for someone to take off or land? That the average pilot is not that good is not a good argument. The game should not be balanced according to the skill of the players. Even a good pilot can circle an airport out of AA range.

Ok, last one cause you can’t get a clue:

Jesus it ain’t hard…

Now good day for real, I’m quite busy…

I’ll repeat it to you again. An enemy fighter pilot would circle the airfield out of AA range just like people do in war thunder.

I try to oppose these new mice because I see a lot of problems with them. I don’t think the developers are so stupid that they haven’t thought about this idea for a long time. Most of the suggestions are given by people who think they are smarter than the developers, even if it is not true. In the same way, suggestions are given by people who have a naive idea of how it would work, and when someone who has already played more than one game tries to write to them that it would be broken and writes them why it would be broken specifically, they try to defend own proposal with stupid arguments.

Does one really need to? Fighters can circle around the air spawn and supply point now (with no AA protection I might add)

we are a ways from that…Even suggesting something like removing aim assist meets massive resistance.