Penalties for deserter don't need to be harsh

because clans mostly prowl in pc lobbies, but yeah you really REALLY don’t know how clan players behave and it’s blatantly showin


Keep telling yourself that. I know exactly how they play because I stack with 8 players on console all in 1 party. It’s the exact same. Care to tell me how it’s blatantly shown? Because you keep saying that without any evidence to back it up.

Idk, ask darkflow.

well for starters clan players tend to playing in the most toxic way possible with the intent of crushing all fun with behaviors such as AP mining rallies, camping air spawns, camping main spawn and rallies, use PaKs to shut down your spawn, use a 9 man rifle grenade team, if on germany or USA they will almost certainly have 3 soldiers armed with impact grenades, all their soldiers have AP mines that they will spam on the point

also have you noticed that most the main people here that don’t want harsh punishments are pc players or play with crossplay on while the ones that do are console players with crossplay off…now there is an outlier and a few white noise in this post but still interesting to notices how this separation actually produce in differences of views, but hey it’s unlikely you will read all of these because of how long this post will run


I am pure PC players and I want harsh punishments for desertion. (Even tho currently I am the one who deserts pretty often, since it’s advantageous to me. And there’s simply no good reason why I shouldn’t keep deserting as long as it is without punishments)

Desertion and 4 stacks are two main reasons behind faction playerbase imbalance. And those issues should be addressed as soon as possible.

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and conquest dont forget the root of all evil

didn’t see your pro punishment post in this chat but i will mark you as another outlier alongside joseph

Yes, I’m not saying that your findings are somehow fundamentally incorrect.

I’m just saying that even a PC player is in favor of harsh punishments for desertion.

The reason I didn’t comment here is because I’ve commented on this very same subject so many times that I really get tired of constantly repeating myself when someone brings this topic up again. Plus I have even made my own topic on this subject where my position is clearly evident.

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that’s fair and i was well aware a pc player can be in favor of harsh pushiments with my “super secret” method of find this information out but i should have been more specific when mentioning what the outlier is so that is my fault with that

The fact is that desertion of an individual player has a big impact on the game experience of other players, especially his teammates.
Thus it’s completely selfish thing to do.

Arguments like “devs should first address issues why individual players desert and just then punish desertion” are ridiculous.

More or less these individuals are taking other players hostage just to force the devs to change the game to their own liking.
It’s just gaslighting and extortion.
Desertion is punished in probably all games of this type where the player can’t join mid match as it is not server based and does have automatic MM.

The fact that so far the only punishment here has been -1 point to some completely and utterly irrelevant ranking system is ridiculous. Especially when through desertion you could positively manipulate with stats to satisfy ones own ego.

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All you’ve done is describe things players do regardless of stacking. You don’t need to stack to do any of those things.

Stacking just guarantees more communication between majority of your team. Which is where the advantage over the other team is.

Exhibit A of console stacking:

People stack because they want to play with all their friends/clan.

Not true, most people stack because they want winning streaks. As it is the easiest way for consistent wins.

4 competent players in 10vs10 match (in f2p casual game) is huge advantage, they don’t even need to communicate with each other.

That does not make sense. Why turn it off when it apparently makes no difference?

Pff Yeah Fixing real issues does not work. Just doing stupid band-aid fixes is a long-proven functional strategy of DF, where it lead to more negative results.
People spam AA? Just nerf AA.
Planes are OP? Lets try to nerf all payloads.
People earn less and have to pay for more? Just decrease upgrade cost a bit.
BA rifles are useless? Just nerf SA rifles.

And that is coming from you.
But yeah… how unfair that people wanna play for their personal fun and not wanna play train mode again because it does not make fun.

And luckily, demanding punishment for others is not selifsh and extortion at all.

It’s not necesarrly a beer bottle. Just a bottle.
They didn’t have plastics so glass was the only option for bottles.

(I’m very offtopic but not much is happening here.)

simply not true. desertion has nothing to do with faction players imbalance. people desert cause of faction player imbalance, not the other way around. there are usually 20 players in match, just cause of faction player imbalance you have 10 marshals on one team and 10 newbies on other team.

exactly what impact? lots of prematch desertions are actually changed with another human player. desertions cause of roflstomps wont help their team winning whether player stayed or not.

nah. it is ridiculous that those things arent fixed. ffs this is game that has been out for 3+ years and it still has immature MM where you cant even ban worst maps that people absolutely hate. btw all other games where desertion is punished have less complex and relatively balanced MM.

Because I don’t bother changing it back from when I play with people who want to keep it on. Didn’t know it was any of your business what I play on but thanks for the irrelevant observation.

Hmmm maybe, but does anyone ever play to lose?

This is not true because you are using examples that are not related to the issue in question.

Unless veteran/experienced players are in the stack, they very often don’t want to face strong enemies and actually show some effort to fight back.
Very often they simply desert as soon as they lose the first objectivee, even if the attackers have already lost ±200 tickets. (Which implies pretty balanced game)

And if such individual deserts at th8# point, it is a high contributing factor to faction imbalance. And from pretty fair and balanced game became a pretty one-sided steamroller.

In my experience, there are very few games that are pure steamroll from the first moment (unless it’s a team of bots against a pure team of real players). The problem is when I run into players who just can’t be bothered to continue putting effort into a match just because they lost the first objective. To fight a competent team is a waste of time for them.

I’ve played quite a few matches as an unpopular faction lately (Japanese and Germans) . And until people started deserting, we were doing pretty well :slight_smile: And we did well, I had very high WR even for unpopular factions. I had a pretty good time too.

Pre match desertions are mostly insignificant. Unless literally half the team deserted just because they were given the Tunisia/conquest/train.
And people are forced join into the game with the first objective immediately lost (another reason why even pre-match desertion should be punished). Again, this affects the experience of the players who were forced into an unfair match with an immediate disadvantage.

There is no good enough reason why desertion should not be punished immediately. Most arguments against punishment of desertion are just selfish reasons by individuals that disregard the game experience of the vast majority of players.

Desertion has huge negative impact on people who don’t want to desert and want to actually play the game. And to these people should be given priority over deserters.

It is your business how other people play so kinda ironic to complain now.

And do you also know that cross off has notable more bots?